Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Anti-TBR Tag | Books I'll (Probably) Never Read


I recently saw this tag through one of my favorite Booktuber, PeruseProject, and thought the questions are very fun because I never really thought about it before. In this Anti-TBR Tag, I will be answering some questions related to books that I have no interest in reading. But Justin Bieber reminded us to never say never, so maybe I'll change my mind in the future and end up reading some of these books anyway πŸ˜‚. At least for now, these are books that I'm not planning to read in the near future or books that I was intrigued by but lost interest in afterward. Without further ado, let's answer the questions!
1. A popular book everyone loves that you have no interest in reading?
I've seen a lot of people read The Song of Achilles and everyone seems to love this book. However, I don't feel the urge to pick it up—maybe because I'm not interested in the story of Achilles or the history of the Trojan war. The second one is To Paradise, a book written by Hanya Yanagihara—the author of A Little Life which I read back in 2017. Upon its' release, this book seems to be quite popular but as much as I enjoyed A Little Life, I don't think I will be reading this one. I also don't like the cover design—which is another reason for my lack of interest πŸ˜….
2. A classic book (or author) you don't have an interest in reading?
To be honest, I don't read classic books in general; because I've tried reading a few in the past and struggled to finish them. For this question, I choose two popular classic authors who seems to be loved by many: Jane Austen and Emily BrontΓ«. I don't know much about classic books but I know some of Jane Austen's books has been adapted into a movie, such as Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, and more. I think I'd rather watch the movie adaptations than reading the books.
3. An author whose books you have no interest in reading?
Dan Brown is another author I have no interest in reading, especially because one of his most popular work, The Da Vinci Code, generated criticism and controversy due to its misinterpretations of aspects of Christianity and the history of the Catholic church. Since then, I have no interest in reading any of his work. I definitely won't read books written by E.L James as well, for obvious reasons 🀣.
4. An author you have read a couple of books from & have decided their books are not for you?
I've read two books written by Neil Gaiman (The Ocean at the End of the Lane and Fragile Things) and thought that they were too quirky or weird for my taste πŸ˜…. I really want to love Neil Gaiman's works because I know a lot of people enjoyed his writing style. I still have some of his books on my TBR list, but haven't started any of them yet years later. It's the same case with, Jodi Picoult, who's considered a New York Times bestselling author. The synopsis of her books sounds very intriguing and I've tried reading Change of Heart and The Pact in the past. Unfortunately, I find it difficult to get through them and decided that maybe her writing style isn't for me.
5. A genre you have no interest in OR a genre you tried to get into & couldn't?
The first genre that came to mind is Horror; not because I'm not interested though, but I'm just to scared to try reading one πŸ˜‚. I always said that I want to try reading at least one of Stephen King's horror novels but I haven't found the courage to do so just yet 😨. And as I said earlier, Classic is also a genre that I tried getting into but failed miserably. I might give horror a chance in the future but I don't think I'll waste my time trying to read another classic πŸ™ˆ.
6. A book you have bought but will never read? (can be a book you have unhauled/returned unread)
It's quite embarrassing to say but I actually have SO MANY πŸ™Š. I used to impulsively buy books but lost interest some time later and ended up unhauling or donating them. I learned my lesson so I don't do that anymore these days, thankfully πŸ˜‚. For this question, I choose Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse series, which was adapted into a TV show called True Blood in 2008. I bought this series during the vampire trend but never read it to this day. I also impulsively bought the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson in the past, but left them unread on my bookshelves for too long so I sold them πŸ™ˆ.
7. A series you have no interest in reading OR a series you started & have DNFed?
I don't think I've DNFed a series before because I tend to push through until the end even though the story is going downhill. But I do have a lot of series that I have no interest in reading, one of them is Outlander—which gained popularity after being adapted into a TV show. I guess I'm not interested in reading this series because I tried watching the show and don't think it's my cup of tea. Vampire Academy is another series that I will never read because I'm definitely not coming back to the vampire era again πŸ˜‚.
8. A new release you have no interest in reading?
For this question, my immediate answer is Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood; because I read The Love Hypothesis earlier this year and didn't think it lived up to the hype. That's why when the author announced this new release, I decided to skip this book even though a lot of people are excited for it. I also don't think that I will be reading The It Girl by Ruth Ware, considering that I've never read any of her books before and haven't heard other people talk about it. I might change my mind about this one though πŸ˜‰.

We've reached the end of this post! The questions are quite difficult to answer because I never really think about books that I have no interest in reading, so it was really fun and different. For those of you who wants to do this tag on your own blog or any other platform, feel free to share in the comments so I can check them out. It will be fun to see what kind of books people don't want to read because it shows their personal taste and preference at the same time. That's it for now, I'll see you in the next post! 😚
by.stefaniesugia♥ .

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