Friday, January 7, 2022

Book Review: New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul David Tripp

BOOK review
Started on: 1 January 2021
Finished on: 31 December 2021
Title: New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional
Author: Paul David Tripp
Publisher: Crossway Books
Pages: 384 pages / 386 pages (e-book)
Year of Publication: 2014
Price: Rp 349,000 (

Rating: 5/5
"I want people to see that the grace of the gospel is not so much about changing the religious aspect of their lives, but about everything in life that defines, identifies, and motivates them. I am calling people to see the gospel as a window through which they are to look at everything in life."
Mornings can be tough for some people. Sometimes, a hearty breakfast and a strong cup of coffee just aren't enough. Offering more than a rush of caffeine, Paul David Tripp wants to energize you each morning with the most potent encouragement imaginable: the gospel. The author knows that what we truly need is an encounter with the living God. Only then will we be prepared to trust in God's goodness, rely on His grace, and live for His glory each and every day.
"One of the stunning realities of the Christian life is that in a world where everything is in some state of decay, God's mercies never grow old. They never run out. They never are ill timed. They never dry up. They never grow weak. They never get weary. They never fail to meet the need. They never disappoint. They never, ever fail, because they really are new every morning."
"In your most brilliant moment, you will still be left with mystery in your life; sometimes even painful mystery. We all face things that appear to make little sense and don't seem to serve any good purpose. So rest is never found in the quest to understand it all. No, rest is found in trusting the One who understands it all and rules it all for his glory and our good."
At the beginning of 2021, I was contemplating what devotional book I want to read—because I've read The Bible in One Year devotional with Nicky Gumbel twice and was thinking about reading something new. And so I finally decided to pick this book up because I've enjoyed Paul David Tripp's books in the past and I heard great things about this devotional. I'm really glad I decided to do so because throughout 2021, I was constantly encouraged by the messages in this book and it also strengthened my faith in the Lord. Each day, the devotion starts with one of Paul David Tripp's gospel tweets—which are lightly edited, then a meditation that expands from it, and ends with scripture for further study. I love how these devotionals are relatively short and easy to read but also very thought-provoking and convicting at the same time. I haven't read much devotional books in the past, but this one easily becomes one of my favorites!
"The DNA of joy is thankfulness. Have you noticed that entitled, complaining people don't happen to be very joyful?"
"Unlike human love, which is often fickle and temporary, God's love never fails, no matter what."
There are some repeated themes throughout this devotional, but I think repetition is necessary to help the message stick in our minds. In this review, I'm going to share some parts that I love, with hope that it will give you an idea what you'll get from this devotional. The first one that I will be mentioning in this review is the theme of hardship and suffering. I think this theme is especially important to take not of because I'm reading New Morning Mercies while we're in the middle of the pandemic—and these past few years have surely been challenging for a lot of people. Paul David Tripp reminds us the importance of trusting God in the mystery; he assured us that God is never surprised by everything that is happening all around us and God is in complete charge of everything that is mysterious to us. Difficult times can certainly challenge our faith; and through these daily readings, I am reminded that biblical hope is confidence based on the power, love, faithfulness, and wisdom of God—not on our own. We will be able to find peace in trusting God's sovereignty; because if we trust only when we understand, we will live with lots of doubt. These passages reassured me and strengthened my faith and hope in the our God who holds it all in His wise and powerful hands.

The next one that I'd like to talk about is the theme of contentment. Paul David Tripp pointed out that discontent is rooted in selfishness and in this day and age, it is so easy to compare what we have with others—which will result in envy. I especially love the part where the author described the difference between need and want. When we put too many things in our need category, we will easily become frustrated with life and doubt God's goodness when it is not fulfilled. Our desire for a good thing can become a bad thing when that desire rules our heart. This theme definitely help me redefine the meaning of blessing and our definition of what we call the 'good life'.

"Face it, your most brilliant act of righteousness wouldn't measure up to God's standard; that's why you've been given the grace of Jesus."
"When you forget eternity, you tend to lose sight of what's important. When you lose sight of what's truly important, you live for what is temporary, and your heart seeks for satisfaction where it cannot be found."
The last theme that I will discuss in this review is about sanctification and God's discipline. It is important to know that God's discipline is an instrument of his grace and not some form of punishment. His discipline is designed to transform and change our hearts into a person who lives a life shaped by God-centered faith. There is always meaning and purpose in everything that we are going through. God is able to use all the difficulties of life in this fallen world to change and mature us so that the values of eternity will be the values that shape our living today. The writer emphasized that if our faith does not reshape our lives, it is not true faith. Because we are all called to be God's ambassadors, to represent His message and character in the environment we're in. I personally think that this is an important reminder that everyone need so we will embrace continuous growth.
In this 365-day devotional, there are many more essential, gospel-centered truths which are relevant for our daily lives. I might want to reread it in the future because I think that it's a good thing to be constantly reminded of these truths. Reading this book every morning in 2021 really helped me to start the day with the right mindset and ready to face whatever challenges that may come my way. There are also moments when I just stop to ponder and reflect on what I've just read—especially in areas where I still have a lot that I need to work on. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who's looking for a devotional book or those who might need their faith to be strengthened during difficult times.
"When hardship comes your way, will you tell yourself it's a tool of God's grace and a sign of his love, or will you give in to doubting his goodness?"
"Mercy means I am so deeply grateful for the forgiveness I have received that I cannot help offering you the same.
by.stefaniesugia♥ .

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