Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Books Released In the Last Ten Years


Here we are again, back with another Top Ten Tuesday! I decided to do this week's topic because it seems interesting to look back to the past 10 years and see my favorite books that are released during those times. At first it was quite difficult for me to only rely on my memory (especially because I usually read something years after it was released); but thankfully, with the help of Goodreads, I was able to look through all the books that are released in 2009 until 2018. Some years are a bit more difficult to choose because there are several books that I absolutely love, but in the end, I managed to only choose one. So here they are, my favorites from the oldest to the most recently released books. (You can click on the book titles for my reviews)

2009                                                  2010

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhuk6VpK0XVryg7RfOpTnjsZrbxNrcBiJIyFNNK7L7e0YbKDXw8UxNJIm5w1zgJ7ex6sXendu5DhE3aRIa5JaQhiPfHwWlqKDKzUHWqRK7HIoFP0PY8TslsIKEE9vuGzFQFyQI6fs-fKR8/s1600/7805064.jpg  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEir_B0nEmrf_bmhVdEd0o7byeXlFee97toB0itSLWNNTm6lUSpnO0q1Vf7hAbHzNj1cLOZdxUQ_M4O1r49c8AgQAtUcc49gGKvsBEjKp0WGK37OZNldhmKxe3xHJroMSoralvluEUj3nnI/s1600/9691607.jpg

The Maze Runner by James Dashner (2009)
Wow, it's been 10 years already since this book was first published?! Now I feel old πŸ˜‚. Even though I'm not completely satisfied with the ending to this series, the first book was absolutely mind blowing. It's so fast-paced, action-packed, and definitely a page-turner. Fell in love with Minho ever since πŸ’–. 

If I'm not mistaken, I picked this book up randomly at the bookstore without any sort of expectation, but turns out it's an amazing book. The plot really intrigues me, and I especially love the fact that the story is written from the perspective of a child who only sees the world as one small room. It's suspenseful and gripping. Kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

2011                                                  2012

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEioYDbP_6prxuv1DoaXH2d4KLoSyhMeJV2S5X2JyCvdx3bCCf2g1NHYtOmDk1IapBi9vNrQ2NN5tj2inRITROI60LB55cxSxn3bF9gGF5QHMz-KkBDsdRk_z9zJmXdglmb71zvg8oP-YUo/s1600/10306821.jpg  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi1R-bqnyp1wSw8P-h_ZcUzK6D1v1OpEsLs1kbYJZmQLwdd-7vm60RicfJIA4PEqEwiAS5EIRMyzLVT21PyedGaJz56ZAaMuwVsdJ901h8zwF0-JwVPAp-UnonB91zLQYm41NRbjkbN-xA/s1600/17119852.jpg

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys (2011)
I still remember vividly that I picked this book up from a bookstore when I was on holiday to Russia because I just finished the book that I brought with me. This book totally captivates me. I read this while I was on a swaying cruise ship, but I could not stop reading and finished it in a very short time. It's one of my favorite historical fiction novel of all time.

2012 is the most difficult year to choose from, because I'm contemplating between Wonder, The Fault in Our Stars, and The Martian. I truly love all of these books, although I love them differently since the three have different genres and topics. After thinking long and hard, I finally decided on this book because it has left a deeper impression in my heart. This book made me cry, this book made me smile, and it has also taught me a lot of valuable lessons. Wonder is a book that I'll always recommend to everybody to read.

2013                                                  2014

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj1srZS5YhKC_LWCWZnxmEK1-Mazr8Z9cVYDekKdDU7ieaQtaT5wVlLgJ-Jf3ZDfnBLvakHj3_A0VvLRwMQ7bPyh1LldsA3BSvAIWVM1Rz-ne-LdeYhMKHRlkAyCCgwxcgsN1pernIzxEg/s1600/40874032.jpg  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhykoiqYGScAjuvp210B7sMPpjIaWS_6CYs7DMKRtlVu2PdgBRhXrKy2cbdFpMe4ik3wJ-y8QOAO_nKc-RiUu4Ll7Fj9WvYag4K-4H8OjTP_EsBJbTtJyzQna73P32ys0XzWNvaLQ8AuqI/s1600/23398763.jpg

Vicious by V.E. Schwab (2013)
For 2013, I was contemplating between Vicious or The House of Hades. The two are action-packed fantasy books that are so difficult for me to put down! I finally decided on Vicious because I just recently finished reading it and it's still very fresh in my mind. This book is an intense anti-hero story full of twists and turns. Really really well written.
Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng (2014)
This book was so suspenseful! It's full of mystery and the author slowly unfolds it little by little, which makes it even more gripping. Celeste Ng really has a way of making readers sympathize with her characters. It was full of emotions and thought-provoking as well.

2015                                                  2016

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgqTBadXX1546n7FmQPO0onPUOUAPgwHYxvFQSGixGULStm3zd7UFpUdI6hyxNofaQogaP2bR7wLz-Yt-KF9-cLi7-2nwOaRu13dHSKZ2hdnLxS4R_rqRJLsMkzDPr2QjxrKUUqd0q9z9I/s1600/23317538.jpg  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhEKCWMghf4fULYygM0xVyW1gdseAO5OGhE_R5LB6aRRH9MYWgSv4-vy7jmMhwaBV7icZ0sB4NFwiAyZOGlrTqeiqRzqWOITol3SDv4Xn6gRafJP2C3LFmeWoDaaHQE7vIjXKGESQPcmcc/s1600/25614492.jpg

Rising Strong by BrenΓ© Brown (2015)
This is the first book by BrenΓ© Brown that I've read and it has instantly made me love her writing so much! I learned a LOT of things through this book, to the point that I was unable to write a review for it because I have so many things I wanted to share. I might've just copy and pasted the whole book unto my review πŸ˜‚. She managed to change my perspective on a few things and I'm really glad I picked this book up.

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys (2016)
Another book by Ruta Sepetys! Another historical fiction! As I've said in my review, Ruta Sepetys really did a tremendous job in portraying the horror and misery of war. Her beautiful writing just captured me emotionally and I always love the characters she made. They always managed to touch my heart πŸ’–.

2017                                                  2018

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEja2n05e6vZzOcUxN5LbJh-lmj7Nt7vXOFhnak5aDJZi8u6AJd7zVC6epyCsBj9b1wUlLvg0_FLsijjas7F5vKGSd0RuqUZJXWP_LFX5kDrI3VOZMNvaMvHuLqGvKJ7HEMFBX4PtYKMMcs/s1600/34273236.jpg  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiErfIoMrya9uwkiVSP98TpeVpF41UaFcJTH75hGwYYhu6gV80FqEq2fYMxvb3MWyt72AVndWRjl-gVMcrfs6AWSllNy_flPsK0dKgtffipXusDLUUlL1lO1XBn1RYiAeFNtB7K16jaiVM/s1600/38718233.jpg

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng (2017)
This is actually the first Celeste Ng book that I read, even before I read Everything I Never Told You. This book made me fell in love with Celeste Ng's writing. This book messed up with my mind. It was so thought-provoking; made me question what's right and what's not, made me feel confused, made me feel concerned for the characters, and so on. It made me feel so many emotions! It was so well-written from start to finish. Definitely a page-turner.
The last one on this list is a 'sequel' to a book that's really close to my heart, The Five People You Meet in Heaven. It talks about completely different characters but still revolves in the same world. Mitch Albom's writing always has a way of tugging at my heartstrings. I was really happy and excited when this book came out. The story certainly gives a closure to what happened in the previous book. Reading this book gave me some kind of peace and serenity.

Okay, that's it for today's post! I hope that's interesting to read because it was really fun for me to do! Like I said earlier, reminiscing about old books certainly made me feel old! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Feel free to share your favorite books in the last 10 years or you can share your own Top Ten Tuesday posts in the comments below! 😊
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Have you seen the film version of Room? I sure thought it was good.

    My TTT.

  2. Vicious is amazing <3 And I agree it is really well written! I usually don't like dark anti-hero ish books but I loved Vicious :) Great list!

    1. Me too! I don't usually read anti-hero story, but this one's amazing!

  3. I need to read Vicious sometime. I haven't read any of these books yet, but I'd like to read a few of them at some point.

    1. You should definitely try and read Vicious if you enjoy dark anti-hero story :D
