Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Top 5 Wednesday: Largest Books on My TBR

This topic is actually from November's list of Top 5 Wednesday, but I guess it's okay to do it now. It's very rare for me to read a large book because it usually take me a really long time to finish it. But in this post, I'm going to list some of the longest books that I currently have on my TBR (to-be-read) list. Even though I don't know when I'll read these books, I guess this will be a good reminder that I still have to read them someday. Here are the books, listed from smallest to the largest.
I've heard about Brandon Sanderson's books and how amazing they are since a few years ago. But I still haven't found the courage to start reading any of his books because I think the commitment is too big (since his books are huge 😂).
810 pages
The second one is also a very popular old book, it has a 4.32 rating on Goodreads—which is incredible and shows that it is loved by a lot of people. This is a good reminder for me to finally pick this book up, even though it's quite a long one.
827 pages
The third book on this list is the last book of The Lunar Chronicles series. This series has been sitting on my shelf for quite some time, so hopefully I'll get to start reading it this year (because I'm trying my best to read a lot of series in 2019).
Next is a standalone book that's so intimidating because the spine looks huge on my bookshelf 😂. I bought this book a few years ago because it won the Pulitzer award. I successfully read A Little Life, so I have faith in myself that I'll be able to read through this one as well.
1,122 pages
The last one is this book that is over a thousand pages long, and it's the fifth book in A Song of Ice and Fire series. So far I've only read the first two books in the series and still haven't found the urge to continue 😂. I'll wait until George R.R. Martin finally ends the series.

Big books tend to intimidate me because these days I don't really have that much time to read, so I'll spend way to long to finish one book if it's over 700 pages long. But this post is definitely a reminder to start reading these books that's been in my TBR list for way too long. What are some of the largest books on your TBR? Are you also intimidated to start reading them? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below ;). I'll see you in the next post!
by.stefaniesugia♥ .

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