BOOK review
Started on: 12 December 2018
Finished on: 19 December 2018
Started on: 12 December 2018
Finished on: 19 December 2018
Title: The Ten Commandments
Author: Kevin DeYoung
Publisher: Crossway
Publisher: Crossway
Pages: 208 pages / 208 pages (e-book)
Year of Publication: 2018
Price: Rp 267,067 (
Rating: 5/5
*This e-book was received as a review copy from Crossway
Year of Publication: 2018
Price: Rp 267,067 (
Rating: 5/5
*This e-book was received as a review copy from Crossway
"Studying the Ten Commandments reveals the very heart of human rebellion: we don't like God telling us what we can and cannot do."Kevin DeYoung is the Senior Pastor at University Reformed Church (RCA) in East Lansing, Michigan. In this book, he delivers critical truth about the Ten Commandments as he makes clear what they are, why we should know them, and how to apply them in our daily lives. The way Kevin DeYoung writes it will help you understand and have the right heart and mindset to obey God's law.
"If we want to know right from wrong, if we want to know how to live the good life, if we want to know how to live in a way that blesses our friends and neighbors, we'd be wise to do things God's way, which means paying careful attention to the Ten Commandments."
"As we go through these studies, we will find that the law drives us to our knees, shows us our sin, and leads us to the cross. We need forgiveness. None of us keeps these commands perfectly. At the same time however, for those who have been forgiven and know Christ, we see in both the Old and New Testament that the Ten Commandments are foundational for living an obedient life pleasing to God."
When I was contemplating which book to choose from the Crossway Blog Review Program, somehow this book really appealed to me because of the title: The Ten Commandments: What They Mean, Why They Matter, and Why We Should Obey Them. Being a Christian for more than 10 years, I am very familiar with the Ten Commandments. But as Kevin DeYoung mentioned in this book, most people are ignorant of it and more people can name the seven ingredients in a Big Mac rather than recite the Ten Commandments. I am grateful that I decided to read this book because I'm definitely one of those ignorant people. I might be able to memorize most of them, but I didn't really understand the significance of it. I think this book is essential for those who are eager to perceive the Ten Commandments on a deeper level.
The book begins by giving five answers to the each of these questions: why should we study the Ten Commandments and why should we obey them. One of the most important reasons is the fact that Jesus (in the New Testament) never meant to abolish the Ten Commandments, but he certainly transforms it (Matt. 5:17). I love how Kevin DeYoung emphasized the fact that Jesus never once violate even one of the commandments. It shows how Jesus himself honors these commandments during his lifetime and that we should follow his examples.
The first one is the commandment regarding Sabbath, which is titled Rest, Rejoice, Repeat. This commandment have always been a little bit confusing to me because I heard some pretty extreme stories about it. For example, during Sabbath people cannot ride an elevator so they have to take the stairs ๐. I don't know if those kinds of stories are true, but I never fully understood the meaning behind this commandment. I am glad that this book explained it really thoroughly and Kevin DeYoung stated that we must keep the fourth commandment, but the way in which we keep it has changed. The meaning of Sabbath has always been about trust. Can you trust God to make up for the 'lost' work on one day by blessing you on the other six days? Can you rest and believe that God will carry you through? And that has totally changed my mindset about this commandment. It's not just about cultural law, but to make time for rest and worship God during that time ๐.
The book begins by giving five answers to the each of these questions: why should we study the Ten Commandments and why should we obey them. One of the most important reasons is the fact that Jesus (in the New Testament) never meant to abolish the Ten Commandments, but he certainly transforms it (Matt. 5:17). I love how Kevin DeYoung emphasized the fact that Jesus never once violate even one of the commandments. It shows how Jesus himself honors these commandments during his lifetime and that we should follow his examples.
"We too often think of the Ten Commandments as constraining us—as if God's ways will keep us in servitude and from realizing our dreams and reaching our potential. We forget that God means to give us abundant life (John 10:10) and true freedom (John 8:32). His laws, 1 John 5:3 tells us, are not burdensome."
"We need to hear it again: salvation is not the reward for obedience; salvation is the reason for obedience."Another thing that I absolutely love about this book is the fact that each of the chapter titles represents each commandments in a unique way that's easier to memorize—at least for me. For example, the third commandment is titled "What's in a Name?", the fourth commandment is "Rest, Rejoice, Repeat", the sixth commandment is called "Murder, We Wrote", and so on. Needless to say, I love every single chapter in this book. I love every single part of it, actually. But in this review I'm going to share some of the chapters in which I learn the most from.
The first one is the commandment regarding Sabbath, which is titled Rest, Rejoice, Repeat. This commandment have always been a little bit confusing to me because I heard some pretty extreme stories about it. For example, during Sabbath people cannot ride an elevator so they have to take the stairs ๐. I don't know if those kinds of stories are true, but I never fully understood the meaning behind this commandment. I am glad that this book explained it really thoroughly and Kevin DeYoung stated that we must keep the fourth commandment, but the way in which we keep it has changed. The meaning of Sabbath has always been about trust. Can you trust God to make up for the 'lost' work on one day by blessing you on the other six days? Can you rest and believe that God will carry you through? And that has totally changed my mindset about this commandment. It's not just about cultural law, but to make time for rest and worship God during that time ๐.
"Perhaps 'transposed' is even a better word than 'transformed.' When a piece of music is transposed, the melody stays the same, but it's played in a different octave or a different key. That's sort of how the Ten Commandments change from the Old Testament to the new. It's the same score, different key."
"Every human life is precious. Unborn life is precious. Children with special needs are precious. Aging parents are precious—even when they don't remember because they're suffering dementia, they're still made in the image of God. Nonverbal children or parents, those in a wheelchair, and those who are completely dependent upon others or doctors are precious. All of life matters to God."
The second commandment that I'd like to share is the one about murder; the chapter is titled Murder, We Wrote. The commandment itself is pretty explanatory, but what I like about this chapter is because Kevin DeYoung discussed several common issues that are relevant to our culture, including: suicide, abortion, and euthanasia. He clearly states that the sixth commandment prohibits us from doing those things because it is practically murder. I think this will be a really helpful chapter for people who have been unsure about these particular issues.
The last one that I'm going to talk about is the ninth commandment about bearing false witnesses, which is titled True Witnesses. Before reading this book, I only correlate this commandment with lying. But Kevin DeYoung define it being more than just telling lies. It talks about twisting no one's words, for example not retelling a story in a way that will be advantageous to us and make other people look bad. And he talked about how this commandment also forbids gossip or slander. The writer said: "Gossip is passing along a report or a rumor that cannot be substantiated. But gossip is more than that. We also gossip when we pass along a true report unnecessarily." That's a good guideline for us to be careful of the stories we tell to other people.
The last one that I'm going to talk about is the ninth commandment about bearing false witnesses, which is titled True Witnesses. Before reading this book, I only correlate this commandment with lying. But Kevin DeYoung define it being more than just telling lies. It talks about twisting no one's words, for example not retelling a story in a way that will be advantageous to us and make other people look bad. And he talked about how this commandment also forbids gossip or slander. The writer said: "Gossip is passing along a report or a rumor that cannot be substantiated. But gossip is more than that. We also gossip when we pass along a true report unnecessarily." That's a good guideline for us to be careful of the stories we tell to other people.
"How do we begin to make progress in obeying the Ten Commandments? By turning to Christ, trusting that this Immanuel is the way, the truth, and the life; that he tells us the truth, so we listen to him and believe him; and that he is the only way to be forgiven, so that when we fall short of these commandments (and we will), we can run to him for mercy."
I'm really glad I decided to read this book because I learned so much from it. I really enjoyed Kevin DeYoung's writing because it's very relatable, practical, yet also Bible-centered and full of references from Scriptures. I love how in each chapter, the writer guides us and gives us examples on how to apply these commandments in our daily lives. I definitely want to revisit this book in the future because I think I need to be reminded about these things more than just once. If you're like me and have been a bit unfamiliar with the Ten Commandments or find it difficult to understand, I really suggest you to pick this book up. It might change your life just like it has changed mine ๐.
"What do you love? What are you chasing? What do you think about in the shower, on your way to work, on the drive, or folding laundry? What is the one thing you think you need in order to be really, truly happy? If the answer is anything other than God, you're an idolater."
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