Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: Books You Want to Read Before the End of the Year

Hello! Back again with another Top 5 Wednesday post! This week's topic is not necessarily new, because I've done several posts that are similar to this one. That's why this time around I will carefully choose the books that I really want to read before this year ends. Usually, I pick book series that I'm really interested in; but this time I will choose 5 standalone books that I'm dying to read very soon—hopefully before the year ends. So here they are!
The first one is this book by Neil Gaiman. I've only read one Neil Gaiman book so far, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and that one was pretty weird for me personally. That's why I really want to give Neil Gaiman another try just to see if I'll be able to enjoy his writing a lot more. Especially because this one talks about Norse mythology which I'm really curious about 😆.
Fredrik Backman's books have extremely good ratings on Goodreads, which makes me want to try reading one of his works. The first one that I've heard about was A Man Called Ove, and of course I want to read that one as well, but I really want to start with this book first. The reviews for this book are mostly positive too.
This book has been sitting on my shelf for too long, so I thought it's time to finally pick it up this year. It's a historical fiction with a little bit of mystery mixed into the story. I can't wait to start reading it soon 😊.
I first heard about this one from a fellow book-blogger and decided to buy it several years ago, and I still haven't read it to this day 😂. This one also has incredible ratings and reviews on Goodreads. It also won the 2013 Newberry Medal, so I think this will be a great book to read.
The last one is also a book that's been sitting on my shelf collecting dust for several years now 😂. This year I really want to finally read this book, because I heard a lot of good things about it and it's even been adapted into a movie already. When I finished reading this book, I might go and watch the movie as well. Can't wait!

Those are the books that I really want to read before the end of this year. What are some of the books you want to read before 2018 ends? There's only 6 months left! Hopefully I can keep up with this promise 😂😂.
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. I want to read Norse Mythology before the year ends too, I love Neil Gaiman! His works are always so whimsical and quirky :D

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

  2. Sampul The Help-mu cantik banget, Stef! <3
    Jadi inget The Help-ku juga debuan di rak, nggak kebaca-baca hahahaha.. xD

    Hope u'll read them all this year btw! ^^

    1. Hahahaa iyaa itu yg new edition XD Ayoo dibaca jugaaa :DD

  3. Waahh baru tahu ada blog buku ini. Salam kenal, yaaa! Suka baca ulasannya. Anyway, would you mind exchanging blog link? :D

    1. Haii! Salam kenal! :D Thank you for visiting! Will definitely visit your blog! ;)
