Tuesday, April 3, 2018

March 2018 Book Haul


Another month has ended, so it's time to recap all the books that I got in March. Last month I still managed to keep my book haul small—which I'm always proud of. Two of the books from this pile is actually quite an impulsive cover buy, but I have no regrets because they're just too beautiful 😍😍. In March, I got myself 3 books, a Bible study book, and 4 ebooks. There's only one Indonesian book in this haul and also there's one sponsored ebook for review. Here are the beautiful books! 😊

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini | Goodreads Review
This is the book that made me fell in love with Khaled Hosseini's writing. It was such a compelling book and so full emotions. To be honest, I already own 2 different copies before this one. But when I saw it on display at Periplus Bookstore, I just could not resist that beautiful painting on the cover. 😍 I never experience love at first sight with a person, but I do with books #ironic 😂😂. This edition is published as part of Bloomsbury Modern Classics list.
Spark Joy: An Illustrated Guide to the Japanese Art of Tidying by Marie Kondo
Marie Kondo's previous book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, is one that changed my mind and perspective about decluttering. It has helped me to start leading a minimalist life and to be mindful of the things that I own. Even though I do think I would learn more about tidying through this book, it was the beautiful cover that actually caught my attention 😂. Although I already have an ebook copy of this book, who cares? It's pretty 😂😂😂
Years After by Orizuka | Book Review
I've been a long time fan of Orizuka, so I was very excited for the release of this book—especially because this is the continuation of her previous book that I love: 17 Years of Love Song. Even though it's almost like a sequel, the story focused on different characters and can be read separately. You can click the link above to read my full review on it.
1&2 Timothy: Guard the Heritage Study Book | She Reads Truth
It's been quite a long time since I followed She Reads Truth and I always adore their beautiful designs. I really enjoy reading the Bible with this study book as a companion, because there are a lot of additional notes that helps us meditate on the word of God.
I know this doesn't count as a book but I want to include it anyway because they're so beautifully illustrated! Sukutangan is one of my favorite local cover designers and I really adore their illustration style. These 4 bookmarks are the first set that they released in collaboration with Bali Books. Can't wait for them to make more designs! 😆😆


https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiFJPlvx3bkvt72uUQ1sp1q_Os-5K8HFLF5G_6HGxhwAVXuCaeY104u64CGFoIVjzcEMJ_3xkfoRQ_jddEPWLxLeQZeUNSE79WaU2n_MI9QNn3iwEEbRSTKCmX1rP9n8yTmZlLgl7N3wNo/s1600/35520320.jpg https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiLiEYInCZ4gUMxUr69nCTl0PualGnhQDkxzvkTX7emZv0yi8720lVREzW1mP4FZW2W2Ny2UExPC5xY-XUqk0PNvl17rVg5rK_evEuA5RBRMn5aQqZiNs5K565-CyB2sXnflXDGRrxmjTc/s1600/36521316.jpg
Rainbirds by Clarissa Goenawan | Book Review
This book caught my attention when I heard it was reviewed by Kirkus; and that the author is an Indonesian-born Singaporean. Furthermore, it's going to be translated into Indonesian and will be published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama. It's a very thrilling murder mystery novel that keeps me interested to know how everything is going to end. The link above will lead you to my full review on this book 😊.
The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro, Daniel Kraus
The movie won the Academy Awards for Best Picture, and I am planning on watching it. But then I found out that it's also available in book form. As far as I know, the movie is not adapted from the novel or vice versa, but they're just made simultaneously. The premise of the story is quite unique, so I'm looking forward to reading it.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjOObhH2EMA5jQtmU6lTN5fLNqd8DWX_b8HKToD8onikeq_MApF6TS8h_Y6fwbXt3Do-V9g1AyIk0UTvUPxtDpKjZEHN-lXUQubPV2xFn57zJ0zeoB9tLK5nt2tYaks3tTvIEzcqjW0Zzk/s1600/36321728.jpg https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjEB06nFOwNiEUV3SMYULtzM7XFB-H6ZPC4tWOkUlMEHG22I2Fm03bRKmyFQC2so4EJCBaMHglZjf9fT3FimGRsxTJJgUwbtEpoDACRqTYS1RTXBXFQgDRkZx37rqr5FmZbPzYolVCSJnc/s1600/36470842.jpg
Spurgeon on the Christian Life: Alive in Christ by Michael Reeves
This e-book was sponsored by Crossway Publishing in exchange for an honest review, and I'm so excited because I've come across a lot of quotes by Charles Spurgeon which I really love. Thus I'm excited to know more about his life and ministry throughout the years.
I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman
The last one is a book release that I've been looking forward to, because it's written by Gayle Forman! Among all her books, my favorite is still If I Stay; so hopefully this one will be able to fulfill my expectation 😆.

That's it for last month's book haul! I'm currently reading Spurgeon on the Christian Life and I really want to read other books from On the Christian Life series—especially C.S. Lewis' one. Do you have any new releases you'd like to recommend for me to read? If so, feel free to write it down in the comments below! I'll be glad to check it out 😊😊.

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Omg that cover of The Kite Runner is GORGEOUS! Which periplus did you find it in? It's very rare for me to see a classic in my nearby periplus :/

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. Yes it is indeed GORGEOUS! XD I found it in Periplus Galaxy Mall :D

  2. Aku jadi ikutan beli yang Song of Achilles :))
