Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: Books You Didn't Get to in 2017

image source: here. edited by me.
Welcome back to another Top 5 Wednesday! My gosh, it's been a bit more than 2 years since I've posted one of these. This year, my goal is to bring back my blog from the dead 😂😂. So when I was browsing for blog post ideas aside from book reviews, I came back to the Top 5 Wednesday group on Goodreads. This topic really caught my attention because there are SO MANY books that I didn't get to in 2017. Last year, I only get to read 18 books 😭😭 (#shameonme); so this year I set my 2018 Goodreads Reading Challenge to 50 books (at least). And in this post, there might not be specifically only 5 books, but more like a set of books because some includes series that I really want to read! Okay, so here's the list in no particular order 😉.
This series ended last year, and as usual it means it's time for me to finally pick it up! I always love Rick Riordan's writing—crazy adventures, awesome characters, and I especially love his sense of humor. I'm really excited to see how Rick Riordan will present the Norse mythology through this series. Am especially looking forward to Loki's character 😆😆.

I bought these books at the end of 2017 and didn't get to read any of them last year. I was intrigued by this book when I read The Case for Christ Bible Plan. So I quickly browsed for Lee Strobel's books and discovered this set of beautiful books that I instantly want to have in my possession 😍. Hopefully I can get through all these books this year! And I'm planning to watch the movie adaptation as well when I have the time 😄.
I think I've had similar lists like this before in the past, and The Chaos Walking trilogy has been in it for years 😂😂. So I'm making it a resolution to finally get to this book in 2018. Last year I didn't get to read any series at all; so this year I really want to finish reading some of the series that's been on my bookshelf for too long.
This series started back in 2015 and it ended last year in 2017. I heard so many good things about this series and those covers are so beautiful 😍😍. I never read any of V.E. Schwab's books before, but so far I've only heard good things about her writing. This is the third series that I listed here, but hopefully I'll get to them all this year!
The last book that I want to list here is a standalone that won 2017 Goodreads Choice Awards in the Fiction category. I've always heard and read great things about Celeste Ng's works, so I'm really excited to start reading this. Another reason is, that amazing cover really captured my attention (as you've probably noticed, a beautiful book cover is my weakness 😂😂).

Those are some of the books that I'm really excited to read in 2018 because I missed them last year! Do you have any books that you didn't get to in 2017? Feel free to write down some recommendations as well in the comments below if you happen to have any 😄😄.
by.stefaniesugia♥ .

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