Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top Ten Books I Read in 2015

image source: here. edited by me.
I know this is pretty late, but I seriously didn't have the time to write anything these last couple of days. Nevertheless, I think it's never too late to share the Top Ten Best Books that I read in 2015. These books are not necessarily published in 2015, it's just that I read them during that year. I read quite a lot of books last year and discovered some amazing ones that I loved so much. Some of them even become my all-time favorite too. Anyways, let's jump right into the list—and they're not listed in a particular order, I just wrote down the ones I thought of first :))

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The Mark of Athena / The House of Hades / The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan
The first one on this list is one of my favorite series of all time which I finished reading last year: it's The Heroes of Olympus series! I started reading this series at the end of 2014 and managed to finish it early in 2015. I read the last three books in 2015 and they're my favorites—especially The Mark of Athena. I love how this series took me on an adventure; and I come to love the characters so much that it's hard for me to say goodbye to them at the end :')
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Wonder by R.J. Palacio
This book probably leaves the deepest impression for me last year; and I think it will still be one that's close to my heart for many years to come. Even though it's a middle grade story, R.J. Palacio managed to take me on an emotional roller-coaster ride. Some parts breaks my heart, some even made me cry happy tears. It's just an overall wonderful book which I think everyone should read <3
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
The next book is my first time reading a Patrick Ness book and I instantly fell in love with his writing. In my review, I described A Monster Calls as a depressing yet beautifully written book, and that's exactly how I felt about it. I just wanted to savour each and every word because there's a deep meaning in them. The ending was perfect and heartwarming in a bittersweet way.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjRCRunGxxvYp1H1XFbGmsanzHDw0gpHGGJCsWAJI4mkDPHMWL5oeTlxISt7MjRBFIKrXelx4PqeF6zwACiRqyox6Cu-q_yxDPlr7M9j2km5RQdu7OvAqk1NHGOkKcNtVrh8aTepttT59n4/s320/18492470.jpg https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj2KcMs-YNnlCHuROSE4MOYe5zPCKyXmAK-sQTNYXjZNlIZOa8VYcBZoRU3lyAPO6oMG9XjMGSoKBkAx-Iln99Rpleh_cphFnnPzBwK7gyhpycxLOi6_nTrUQT2jKi5SiqEKZKjeFIFy8rs/s320/21413814.jpg https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgxy2O2s6RyUp0KKzB5h809QU4ZDZdnEW-ECbBfmNptSt8YIBhYPBWtM_ZIKMGzkQ4zb7VJRGhgOia2slB_PwlxCU4cm919GAAneLGAoOag6gsWxTjAlo09fOiA0NLQ6DYxhkjptteG1yRr/s320/19547856.jpg
Prodigy / Champion by Marie Lu
Another series that became my favorite as well is the Legend trilogy by Marie Lu. I love the second and third book the most because it's so intense and action-packed. I was a little bit worried about the romance halfway through the series, but I'm glad the ending wrapped everything up nicely <3
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
I decided to put this book on the list because it managed to make me giggle like a stupid person from beginning to end. It's just that cute! The story focuses a lot on friendship, family relations, as well as self-discovery. This one is a book that constantly makes me all happy inside. Definitely deserves to be my favorite read from last year!
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The Martian by Andy Weir
I'll give the award of the most entertaining book I've read in 2015 to this book. Even though there's a lot of scientific explanation in this book, I find myself completely immersed in the story. For me, the best part about this book is the main character. He's literally my favorite character, probably ever. So funny, smart, witty, and sarcastic. I laughed out loud so many times while reading this book. One of the best reading experiences I've had last year.
Angels of Morning Star Club by Lim Se Hyuk
Now moving on to the Indonesian/translated favorites of mine from last year. I found this book very unique because the main character is an ex-convict who went to prison for something he didn't do. And what I love about this book is the fact that it portrays the ups-and-downs of life as well as how people treat one another based on their past. The character development is great and the story ended on a good note :)
Critical Eleven by Ika Natassa
There's so much hype surrounding this book when it was published. After a while, my curiosity wins and I decided to pick it up, even though I've never read Ika Natassa's work before. And thankfully, despite my extremely high expectation, I find myself totally immersed in the emotional love story. Plot-wise, I do think it can be slightly better, but Ika Natassa's writing is so good and this book is definitely a page-turner.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEglrDSrGh1DhWD-iCliMy2Nbiri7i_Oq9xCwjxFYqNxC3v4DESWdDtnp28wrziIBnjtnm1JbZg95tklddxP7LXnSTgBXHrAdYgg9520T4Ern5XAimWJQ9eO-oQ-KplEZ-QeiEfjb31kZW8G/s320/25924054.jpg https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjim7z3GsZSH5SQWA9wm9qLKkcDCKAZJOkQm4bzaI70eiGqPFcflateYrwyQmoBFAQyssjmD3X0Hzwhbc5h-elJrgzaaTVvVYD1t1pH62TKiTn14FuCw6tgNoQp6RPCKqQedX9jHiuY67cF/s320/23686088.jpg
The Dead Returns by Akiyoshi Rikako
This is the second time I read Akiyoshi Rikako's work, and I love this one a lot more than the first because of the jaw-dropping twist! The mystery element in this book really intrigued me and pushed me to keep reading towards the end. I also really liked how the story delivered an important message of not judging nor stereotyping other people before you get to know them personally.
Walking After You by Windry Ramadhina
The last book on this list is one that I actually read early in 2015, and it's by one of my favorite Indonesian authors. It's yet another beautifully written story by her that was able to play with my emotions throughout the book. I love the characters and I also love the bittersweet story. Looking forward to her works this year as well! :)

So those are the top ten books I read in 2015. Have you read any of these books? What are your top ten books from last year? I'm really looking forward to reading and discovering a lot more amazing books this year in 2016. Bye for now! ;)
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Aku juga suka Wonder, nih.. Dan masih belum sanggup baca Monster Call, saat baca kok suasananya suram sendu gimana gitu,... Semoga tahun 2016-nya banyak menemukan buku yang amazing ya ^^

    1. Iya A Monster Calls emg suram banget bukunya XD Yupp, semoga 2016 bisa ketemu lbh banyak buku2 yg bagus :D

  2. was the martian really that good?
    I'm so curious and about to add that novel to my tbr list

    1. For me personally it's really really good! It's funny yet intense at the same time. XD

  3. Wonder buku terbaik yang aku baca tahun lalu! Suka banget beberapa bagian sampe diulang2 bacanya. Penasaran banget sama A Monster Calls dan Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda :D
