Thursday, December 31, 2015

December 2015: Book Haul


It's the last day of 2015! OMG! How do you guys feel about this? Because I'm really excited to welcome the new year. This month I got 11 books in total (7 English books and 4 Indonesian books which I got from authors/publisher). I consider this a pretty small haul because at the beginning of the month I was expecting myself to go crazy with book shopping—especially with all the sales that's happening since it's the holiday season. Even so, I'm very happy with all my purchase this month. Here's my last book purchase of the year!

I went on a short trip to Singapore with my parents at the start of December and of course I would never miss a trip to Kinokuniya bookstore. However, I was pretty sad because the prices of the books are incredibly expensive, especially since the exchange rate of SGD has raised a lot recently. In the end, I discovered this book that I really want to get from a very long time, and thankfully it's pretty cheap. I've heard amazing things about this book and it's going to be adapted into a movie too, if I'm not mistaken. So I'm really excited to read this! :D

For this book, the author offered me to read and reviewed her newest book, and of course I gladly accepted because I enjoyed her other works in the past. It's a young-adult contemporary novel that focuses a lot on friendship and family relationship issues. It was a pretty emotional and heartwarming read. I've read and reviewed it, so if you want to find out more about this book, you can click my book review link above :)
Another book that I received from the author herself, and I'm super excited because I've been following Prisca Primasari's works for years now. I always enjoy her writing and of course I'm thrilled when she offered to send me her newest self-published book. This is the first book in a duology (if I'm not mistaken), and it's pretty thin so it's a quick and easy read. I've reviewed this one as well, so you can click the link above to read it.

Perfect Pain by Anggun Prameswari | Fiction | Book Review
I was contacted by the publisher the other day and was offered to join the blog tour for this book; and after I looked it up on Goodreads, I decided to agree because it sounds interesting. It's interesting for me because I rarely read books about domestic violence, and I'm really glad I got the chance to read this book. The blog tour ended a while ago and of course you can also check out my review in the link above.
After I participated in the blog tour for Over the Rain by Asri Tahir, the author kindly asked us what book we want to get as a gift. So I decided to ask for this book, because I wasn't planning on buying it myself, but at the same time I also kind of want to read it. I think I'll read this one early next month. Hopefully.

Here's the second book that I got with that gift card. To be honest, I have never read Sarah Dessen's book before; which I am ashamed about because I owned several of her books. I think this is her newest book, so hopefully it will encourage me to start reading it soon.
Around last month, someone gave me a Books & Beyond gift card, and I only got the chance to use it mid-December because I had so many things going on lately. So I went to Books & Beyond bookstore and looked around for books that I wanted to get that fits the budget. And this book caught my eye because of it's beautiful cover, of course. This is actually a second book in a series, unfortunately they don't have the first one in stock, so I guess I'll have to purchase it online.

These two I ordered online from a few weeks ago. This book intrigued me because it won the 2015 Man Booker Prize. It's a historical fiction novel, which is a genre I rarely pick up, but hopefully I'll like it.
I also got this from the same trip to Periplus Bookstore, and this book has been on my wishlist for a while. However, I was looking for a paperback edition that's not super huge like all the other editions I saw in bookstores. That's why when I saw this regular sized paperback edition of it, I didn't hesitate and quickly picked it up. I only heard great things about this book; I also heard that it's a difficult read, but I think it's something fit for my reading taste :)

After that, I went into Periplus bookstore casually browsing for books, and I came across this beautiful edition of The Little Prince. I've mentioned it in another post a while ago that I wanted to reread this book in English (because I read the Indonesian edition the first time around), so I thought this will be perfect. I absolutely love the gold details on the cover <3
From that same purchase, I also got Gillian Flynn's short stories collection because I need to read more from her after Gone Girl. It's been a year since I last read that book and because I've held myself back from reading her other novels, I thought a short stories collection will do. It's really thin as well so I think it'll be a quick read.

Surprisingly, I didn't spoil myself with too many books this month (considering it's Christmas, and because last year I really splurged a lot). Which is a good thing since I still have tons of books left to read on my bookshelves. What about you? Did you get any books as a Christmas present—whether it's from other people or even yourself? Have you read any of the books I got this month? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below! And let's get ready to welcome 2016! Yayy!
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Aku sudah baca Saint Anything beberapa bulan lalu, sayangnya dalam bentuk ebook. Suka sama ceritanya, dan pengen punya versi fisiknya walaupun ya mungkin cuma berakhir jadi pajangan. Krn dollar naik mungkin ya, harganya sekarang jd gila-gilaan banget. Jadi mikir berkali-kali kalau mau beli.
    Dilema seorang penimbun.

    1. Akk jadi pengen cepetan baca XD Covernya emg cakep banget :'))

  2. If you love Gone Girl, you're going to love The Grownup, it's filled with that classic Gillian Flynn-style dark humour. I got the one with the black cover, which apparently contains small bits from Dark Places.

  3. I bought The Grownup and A Brief History of Seven Killings too on December too
    And already read The Grownup, really like it although it's very short
    and planning to read A Brief History really soon
    and A Little Life is amazing! It is very depressing, I cried a lot reading that book but it's amazing, so good, definitely my all time favorite book! And it read so quickly although the book has 720 pages
    Hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

    1. I'm really looking forward to reading A Little Life XD
