Friday, November 6, 2015

October 2015: Book Haul


A lot has happened in October, and it seems that my rebound from last month still continued. I didn't realize how much books I've accumulated this month until I had to make this book haul post. The list is very long and it scares me somehow—because I'm not sure when I'll get to all of these books. But let's put my worries aside and just cherish all the new books! I've got 26 books in total this month (11 English books, 2 Korean books, 13 Indonesian books) ; 8 of them I received from authors/publisher/bookstore. Gosh, just mentioning the numbers made me guilty already. SO many books. Anyways, here are the books—please don't judge me by my book-shopping habit!

Jangan Ucapkan Cinta & Bukan Cinta Sesaat by Mira W. | Fiction
Merpati Tak Pernah Ingkar Janji & Sampai Maut Memisahkan Kita by Mira W. | Fiction
Di Sini Cinta Pertama Kali Bersemi & Masih Ada Kereta yang Akan Lewat by Mira W. | Fiction
Cinta Sepanjang Amazon & Nada Tanpa Kata by Mira W. | Fiction
Sisi Gelap Cinta by Mira W. | Fiction
Not gonna lie, the beautiful series of covers is what pushed me to buy this book. When I saw these books in Gramedia bookstore, I was a little bit hesitant because I'm not really sure if I'll like it or not. But then my mother, who've read Mira W.'s books before, recommended the book for me. Then without feeling any kind of guilt at that moment, I grabbed all five books with me to the cashier. On one side, I'm still happy I got these books because I can devour on its' beauty every day. But I'm not sure when I'll read them—which makes me a little bit guilty now.

These two Korean books I bought as some kind of souvenir for myself when I went to South Korea at the start of October. Since I can only understand a little bit of Korean, I picked these books by instinct (or by the covers, I would say). This one is a non-fiction book written by an actress called Lee Bo-young (from the drama I Can Hear Your Voice), and it's her healing story book. I think it's going to be an inspirational story about her life. I'm saving this for when I can finally read Korean books. I'm studying hard for that day to finally come :))
별이 빛나는 건 흔들리기 때문이야 by 김제동 , 김창완, 조수미, 이현세, 최재천 외41명 지음 | Non-Fiction
The second book that I got from the Incheon Airport's bookstore is this super-cute-looking book that's written by various authors. I'll be honest again and say that the color of this book is the main reason that I bought it. It's my favorite color. And I'm weak like that.

The author herself, Kezia Evi Wiadji, kindly contacted me and offered me to review two of her new released books. I've read her works in the past so I gladly accepted. I fell absolutely in love with the covers of these two books. Unfortunately, I still haven't found the time to start reading these yet, but hopefully I will do so soon. After I finished reading this book, I will also be giving away a copy of these two books provided by the author :) So stay tune for that!

I was offered by the author, Andry Setiawan, to read the manuscript of this book last month before it was published. And now I finally have a copy of this book, sent to me by Penerbit Haru. I really enjoyed this book; it almost feels like watching a melodramatic movie as I read this book.
This one is a book I received from Penerbit Haru's new imprint called Penerbit Inari, which focuses on local/Indonesian novels. They kindly sent me their first book in exchange for a review (thank you!), and I'm very excited to read it because the synopsis really intrigued me. I'm really looking forward to what other books this new imprint will publish in the future :D

I received this book from the author, Christina Tirta, who offered me to participate in the blog tour. This is the first time I'm reading her book and I enjoyed it quite well. The giveaway on my blog just recently ended; but if you missed it, I think there's still one blog left in this blog tour :)
Along with the previous book, Christina Tirta also sent me a copy of her other book—which I'm incredibly grateful for. I still haven't read it yet but the plot sounds very interesting, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get to it soon.

Several months ago, I participated in Asri Tahir's debut novel blog tour, and now I've got the chance to join the blog tour of her second book! I've read and reviewed this book and I fell totally in love with the story. If you want to know more about this book, you can read my book review in the link above :) It's such an emotional roller-coaster.

This book was a really pleasant surprise that I got from Periplus Bookstore. I mentioned Periplus on Twitter with my review and suddenly their admin sent a DM thanking me for the review. And then they kindly offered me a free book! I was totally freaking out at the time because it was so unexpected. They let me choose between The Book Thief or Red Queen, and I chose this book because I already have 2 copies of The Book Thief. Originally, I wasn't planning on picking up this series; but now that I've got it for free, I can't not read it right? :)))) Thanks again Periplus for your kind gesture!

I pre-ordered this book on and I was so excited when the package arrived! If you know me, you'll know that I won't be reading this book anytime soon. Because I'll be waiting for the rest of the series to come out and marathon the series in one go. I'm really looking forward to the day when I can devour this series and probably meet Thor and Loki in a different setting other than the Avengers.

I have read every single one of Nicholas Sparks' novels and I wouldn't miss his newest book that I've been highly anticipating since the author announced the publication date. I was strolling through Periplus Bookstore when I came across this book on display! I honestly didn't expect Periplus to have it in stock so quickly. And of course, without having to think twice, I took this book with me. Dying to start reading this right away but I still have to read several more books that I received from authors/publisher.
I know this book has been out for quite some time already and I was pretty hesitant about buying this book before because there's been mixed reviews about it. Some people love it, some people don't. But when I browsing at Periplus Bookstore, I finally decided to get it—mostly because it's Sophie Kinsella. I've always loved her books and I want to believe that I'll enjoy this one as well. I actually already have an e-book copy as well, but I couldn't resist. The cover is beautiful too (reason number 2 for buying it). 

Still from the same trip to Periplus Bookstore as the previous two, and it was a pleasant surprise for me to see this book on display as well! I really really didn't expect Periplus to have this already; it's the exact same feeling like when I saw Nicholas Sparks' book in the bookstore. So far I've only read A Monster Call by Patrick Ness, but I know I'll love anything he writes just from that one book. Really looking forward to reading this!
Here's the last and fourth book that I got from that trip to Periplus Bookstore! This was quite an impulse purchase because I wasn't really planning on getting this book, it's not even on my wishlist yet. However, since I've heard quite a lot of good things about it, I finally decided to bring this book home with me. I've only read Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell and am dying to dive into more of her stories.

Here's a very exciting purchase because I bought this at Books & Beyond in Surabaya! I'm so happy they finally opened a store in my hometown and I will be making a post about it soon. While I was looking around the huge bookstore, I discovered this book that's been on my wishlist for quite some time. OMG I was so happy when I saw this book and instantly took it from the shelf. I've already read two out of three stories that are in this book, I only have to read the last one, Shingaling, that's written in Charlotte's POV.
I got this from the same trip to Books & Beyond as the previous book, and I'm so happy the third and final book of this trilogy is finally published. Now that the trilogy is over, I have no more reason to not start reading it. I still don't know exactly when, but hopefully I'll be able to start reading this series soon.

I didn't even hesitate for a second when I ordered this book from Republik Fiksi (to get the signed-copy) because Windry Ramadhina is one of my favorite Indonesian authors. I always fell in love with her beautiful writing and I never want to miss any of her new books. I honestly don't know much about what the book is going to be about but I think it's going to be an emotional read.

A lot of Youtubers are publishing their own books these days and I really want to get my hands on all of them! But the first one that I'm getting is this book by Pewdiepie, the #1 most subscribed channel on Youtube with 40 million subscribers. I ordered this book on, because after thorough calculation the price is actually cheaper than Book Depository. It's still quite expensive, but considering that it's a book with full-color pages, I think it's a pretty reasonable price. I was flipping through the book and I love it already. I always love how sarcastic Pewdiepie is <3 Will give a sneak peek of this book when I review it :)

Yet another book that I bought from Periplus Bookstore. I've been wanting to buy this book for so long, but Periplus only had the UK edition which doesn't match my copy of Every Day. So when I saw this US edition on the shelf, I instantly picked it up because there's only one left. I think it was destined for me to buy it XD. I absolutely love Every Day and it was one of my favorite books, hopefully I'll love this one as much as the first one :))

Lastly, it's a book that I pre-ordered on Amazon back in September, I think. I'm a huge fan of Apartment Therapy's website because they always provide helpful information about home living. I always love reading beautiful home tours and also learning some tips on how to clean and organize rooms. I think I will read this book once in a while when I'm lazing around; and it will be the perfect coffee table book.

I know I've got a LOT of books this month, so that's why I will try my best to hold myself back from buying anymore books in November. I don't want to make any promises that I can't keep, but at least I have a goal. This month I will try my best to read as many books as I can so that I will feel less guilty about all the books that I've bought. Have you read any of the books that I bought this month? Is there anything that piqued your interest? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, or you can also share your own book haul so I can check it out :)) Okay, bye now!
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Mira W is an absolute wishlist! I think I will buy one copy per month to complete the series :|

  2. KYAAAA!! KYAAA!!!! Ditunggu resensinya! :3

  3. Buku-bukunya Mira W dan Carry On bikin mupeng, ditunggu resensinya :)

  4. Red queen made me curious... Mira W covernya cantik..setuju.. Always love ur blog anyway stef! 😊

  5. Those Korean books really are cute, though I have no idea what their titles are :))
    I love the color scheme of Magnus Chase book, so pretty.
    and Another Day! Every Day is one of my favorite books as well. Looking forward to hear your thoughts about the book. Exciting haul :D

    1. Yes they are very very cute XD Glad you enjoyed the haul ;)

  6. Steef, buruan baca the rest of us just live here, penasaran sama review mu, kok aku agak disappointed ya sama karya Ness yang satu ini :(

    1. Aww kenapaa? :( Jadi penasaran jg pengen cepet baca XD

  7. Arghhhhhh mupeng berat >.< sudah 3 bulan gak jajan buku

  8. hai stef, belakangan ini aku jadi suka banget film yang diadaptasi dari novelnya Nicholas Sparks. nah ini bikin aku jadi pengen baca juga bukunya nicholas sparks. boleh minta rekomendasi buku nicholas sparks yang menurut kamu paling bagus? thanks,stef!! :)

    1. It depends sih kmu maunya yg happy ending / sad ending XD Krn Nicholas Sparks salah satu penulis favoritku jd kayaknya aku agk bias; jadi bnyak banget bukunya dia yg aku suka :D Kalo dari yg paling baru aku suka The Best of Me & Safe Haven :)))

  9. Oh my God, I'm drooling... Especially The Rest of Us Just Live Here and Auggie & Me.
    And Perfect Scenario looks cute too!

  10. I didn't know Periplus has Carry On or THAT version of The Rest Of Us just live here GAAAHHH

  11. Hai stef, mau tanya dong buku lee bo young itu waktu beli kena harga berapa? Thank you

    1. Hmm ngga terlalu inget sih tepatnya brp, sekitar 10rb won sih klo ngga salah :D

  12. Can you do a tutorial on how to take book pictures like you? They are all so wonderful
