Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Monster Calls | Teaser Trailer

image source: here. edited by me.
Why have I not heard about this before?! OMG I was utterly shocked when I saw a video titled 'A Monster Calls Official Teaser Trailer' on my Youtube subscription list. I kept thinking why have I never heard about this news before? I mean, A Monster Calls is one of my favorite reads this year and I should know about this sooner! I am so excited right now even though the movie is set to premiere next year; so I have a lot of waiting to do. Nevertheless, I'm still super excited with this teaser trailer! It doesn't show much but it does build up my anticipation towards the movie. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, go watch it below—especially if you're a fan of the book :))

"If no one sees you, are you really there at all?"
The trailer looks dark and creepy, I love it! And I'm absolutely in love with Liam Neeson narrating the trailer in the background; he will also be playing as the Monster in the movie :) I think his voice is perfect for the character. In the trailer, the narration tells the story about the Invisible Man and I'm already having all the FEELS! ㅠㅠ Anyways, the teaser trailer definitely doesn't tell much about what the story's going to be about (especially if you haven't read the book yet), but it gives the idea of a boy being bullied at school and he will interact with a tree-like monster. The original story from the book has so much more going on than just what's shown on this teaser trailer, so I'm looking forward to more trailers next year :)

https://45.media.tumblr.com/8724056969b5c771fca1e23669b97620/tumblr_ny4spfLpXr1rmuqh2o2_250.gif https://49.media.tumblr.com/0598f54cd4464961b5989ba7877d89a5/tumblr_ny4spfLpXr1rmuqh2o8_250.gif
https://45.media.tumblr.com/81a09af5a6d78773515ee73d5c3b5d18/tumblr_ny4spfLpXr1rmuqh2o7_250.gif https://49.media.tumblr.com/0b6c3068499ce28112c16c02c0565d7f/tumblr_ny4spfLpXr1rmuqh2o4_250.gif

Other than Liam Neeson, another popular cast includes Felicity Jones, who will play as Conor's mother. And the main character, Conor, will be portrayed by Lewis MacDougall. I have pretty high hopes for this movie adaptation because the book itself is not very long; hopefully it will be easier to be translated into a movie because of that. And I'm extremely happy because Patrick Ness took part in the movie production, so I hope everything will stay true to the original story. I will definitely be posting updates on this blog if I heard any more news about this movie adaptation :D

Who's as excited as me about this movie? ;)

https://45.media.tumblr.com/f036cf095ae2f78bc4f21d90b08f6d84/tumblr_ny38xnyKU81rqyzcno6_250.gif https://49.media.tumblr.com/1b7616ccb2ac424779f7ec1cfebee547/tumblr_ny38xnyKU81rqyzcno7_250.gif
 https://45.media.tumblr.com/1cbd7df03d977e03a3d0af533faf9fcc/tumblr_ny38xnyKU81rqyzcno5_250.gif https://49.media.tumblr.com/1c5e8d762244b4c7a0bbe9945c6a87f6/tumblr_ny38xnyKU81rqyzcno3_250.gif
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Me!
    A Monster Calls was also my favorite from last year so I'm really looking forward to this adaptation (>.<)
    I've heard the news before and knew that Liam Neeson and Felicity Jones are in it. Still, I'm pretty surprised that the trailer has already published.

    1. Yayy! :D I'm also really surprised to see the trailer

  2. you have good writing about the movie, I guess that I should consider watching the movie. I like the kid on the picture above !
