Thursday, October 1, 2015

Short Hiatus: I'm Going to South Korea (again)

image source: here. edited by me.
Hello there! This post will just be a quick update. I'm here to say that for the next 7 days I will be away, because I'm going to South Korea with my friends! Woohoo~! I know I just went to Seoul last year, but I can never get enough of that beautiful city! Even though I'm going away, that doesn't mean this blog will be absent because I have posts scheduled ahead of time; but I won't be actively updating / replying comments in this blog or on social medias. I won't mention where I'm going to visit this time because it's probably similar like last year. I'll just make a post about my trip after I come back :) Oh, and I probably won't be reading much because I'll be spending time with my friends, but I'll make up for it when I got home. Okay, bye now! :))

by.stefaniesugia? .


  1. Save trip kak!
    Oh iya, kakak bisa gak ceritakan biaya yang kakak habiskan ke sana? Aku juga ingin menabung untuk pergi ke sana :"))

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Omo, have a nice trip, Kak! Kalo udah balik bolehlah share diblog :D

  4. Hallo Stef. I'm wid. Nice to meet you, meskipun lewat komen aja sik. hehe.
    It's a habit of mine to always check your blog for any book recommendation when I'm too lazy to open gramedia or gagasmedia's website. So, thank you for your recommendations and your beautiful blog. it's kinda make me envy btw. haha. Forget it, I always talk to much when I just want to ask about your trip to Seoul.
    Kamu pake Paket Tour ya? Kalo iya, kira-kira ada rekomendasi paket tour yang bagus ga?
    That's all I guess. I can't wait to hear your reply and keep up the good work! ;)

    1. Hai, Wid! Sorry for the late reply.
      Waktu aku ke Seoul taun 2015 ini aku ngga pake paket tour, aku pergi sendiri :) Taun sebelumnya aku pake Paket Tour Hemat dari Panorama Tours sih, dan extend sendiri bbrp hari :)
      Hope it helps!
