Monday, September 28, 2015

September 2015: Book Haul


I might've had a rebound after two months ( July Book Haul | August Book Haul ) of not buying as much books as I usually do. Most of the books in this haul I got early in September, which is quite shocking to me because my book haul pile (that's placed on my desk) just keeps getting higher and higher. This month I acquire a total of 19 books (2 English books, 17 Indonesian books), 10 I received from authors/publisher and the rest I purchased on my own. I haven't read most of these books but they will be in my October TBR because I'm excited to read them all. So now, let me show you all the books I've got this month :)

The first one is a book I received from the author herself, Kusumastuti Fischer, as a bonus for joining a blog tour of her other book (the one below). I literally know nothing about this book so I went into it pretty much blind. I've finished reading it and the review will be coming soon in the beginning of next month :))
The author kindly invited me to join the blog tour of her newest book and of course I gladly accepted it. I absolutely love the stunning cover! It looks very melodramatic yet soothing at the same time. The blog tour will start on my blog from October 12 - 18. There will be a giveaway as well, so keep a lookout for that if you're also interested to read this book :)) Big thanks to the author, Kusumastuti Fischer, for these two books! :D

I was super excited when I saw this book on display at Periplus Bookstore! I always pick up anything by Rick Riordan because I love his writing so much. So, no doubt, I had to bring this book home with me :) Rick Riordan previously published a similar book titled Percy Jackson's Greek Gods—which tells about the gods in Greek mythology narrated by Percy Jackson. This time, it's all about the heroes :)

I ordered this book from Book Depository last month even though they didn't have any price drop or anything. Since the fourth book in the Throne of Glass series was published recently, I feel the need to own the whole series as soon as I can—because I've only heard great things about it. But since I'm trying to save money, this was the only book that I ordered in August. Will go and order the third book soon, I think.

I've been eyeing this book for quite a while because I absolutely adore that beautiful cover. The price held me back when it was published, but I've finally decided to buy it when I was in a Gramedia bookstore, because why not? It's good to treat your self once in a while, right? ;) If you didn't know, this book is not a novel but just a book of quotes, poems, etc which I think mostly are taken from Tere Liye's books. Isn't the layout and colors so beautiful? :))

After reading and loving Critical Eleven last month, I've decided to read more books by this author because I really enjoyed her writing. And then I received some recommendations in the comments on my book review to read her other books, and this was one of them. I've seen this book around for a while and always wanted to buy this illustrated edition because I liked the cover. Back then I wasn't sure if I'll like it, but now I have all the reasons to get this gorgeous book *although it's expensive :)
This is another one that was also recommended to me, so I bought at the same time in Gramedia bookostore. I don't really know much what this book is about but judging from the title it must have something to do with divorce. Anyways, hopefully I'll enjoy this book as much as I loved reading Critical Eleven.

I wasn't really planning on getting this book, but on my trip to Gramedia bookstore (in which I bought the previous books) my eyes was tempted by the beauty of this book cover. I won't deny, I'm not even sure if I'm going to read this book anytime soon. I know I shouldn't be making impulsive purchases when my TBR pile is still extremely high, but I could not resist. And that bonus poster! I will definitely hang it up in my room soon :D

Few weeks ago I was killing some time by strolling around Periplus Bookstore and came across this stunning book in the non-fiction books section. I rarely buy non-fiction books but the cover successfully intrigued me. So while I was there, I scan the book with my Goodreads and discovered that the ratings for this book are pretty good. And the man at the store urged me by saying that it's the only copy left. So I got it. Apparently, it's a book written by a Youtuber, which really perked my interest :))

When I found out that Winna Efendi is releasing a new book, I'm instantly ready to pre-order the book. And there's a special pre-order at an online bookstore called Republik Fiksi, that gives a bonus block note along with the book. I now nothing about the book because I haven't even read the synopsis yet, but I've always read Winna Efendi's book since I was still in school because I really enjoy her writing style.

These next five books I received from Penerbit Haru to be read and reviewed, and I'm always very grateful to them for that. I can never say thank you enough! The first one is a book written by the same author who wrote Girls in the Dark, which I really enjoyed for its' dark and twisted theme. I have a feeling that this one might have a similar tone—especially because the cover kind of looked similar even though it's not a sequel.

Also from Penerbit Haru is a book that has this really beautiful cover of stained glass window. This is a Korean-translated duology (I think) novel which I'm very excited to read because it was adapted into a short drama in 2014.
Here's the sequel, which was also sent to me by Penerbit Haru. The cover still has the same thing which I really like. And I even love the second book better because there's teal / turquoise color on it, which is my favorite color :D Really excited to jump into these books very soon!

I think this is the first time I'm picking up a J-Toon book published by Penerbit Haru. It's actually a pretty thin book—with only around 140 pages, I'm sure it will be a quick read. Judging from the synopsis, it seems that Tomoko (the main character) has a lot of fear of doing things. I'm more or less like that too, so I'm curious if I'll be able to relate to her story or not.
And the last book that Penerbit Haru sent me is a K-Toon that I'm really excited to read. The bright cover instantly made me happy. It seems like it's going to be fun and entertaining as well. I will definitely pick this up when I need something light to read :D

I instantly put this book on my wishlist the moment I saw it on Goodreads; and the author, Tia Widiana, was kind enough to offer this book for me to read! Of course I gladly accepted it because I really enjoyed reading her debut novel, Mahogany Hills. I have finished reading this book and will post the review by next month :))

The author, Kristi Jo, mentioned me on Twitter and kindly sent me her books for me to read :) I never read her books before, but maybe this is her debut novel. I'm not sure. Anyways, it's a teenlit novel—which I haven't read in a while—so hopefully it'll be something refreshing or light to read. I always had my worries with reading teenlit books because of my age now, however I won't mind trying this one out :)
Another book I received from Kristi Jo is her newest novel, which is categorized as a young adult novel. I absolutely adore the book cover. It's simple but very pleasant to look at :) Even though I've read the synopsis at the book of the book, I still don't know what to expect from it. Maybe it's better to just jump into it blind :)

The last book I pre-ordered from the author's official online bookstore, and I seriously cannot wait to read it. I've enjoyed his writing style even though not all the stories he wrote are my cup of tea. Even so, every time he released a new book, I will most definitely put it in my wishlist. I don't really know much about what this book is going to be about, but I think it's going to be an emotional one. And I love those kinds of stories :)

Phew, I've got a LOT of books this month. To be honest, I actually bought several more towards the end of this month but I will include those in October's book haul. And as always, I'm very thankful to all the authors and publishers who have sent me books to be read and reviewed. It always gives me joy every single time I receive a book package :)) What about you, did you buy any new books this month? Or have you read any of the books I have on this list? Feel free to share your thoughts or recommendations in the comments. Okay, bye now!
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Aaaa... Aku iri sama kakak yang dikirimkan buku dari penerbitnya langsung :"))
    Tapi menurutku gaya review kakak emang bagus dan pantas mendapatkan hal itu, jadi sebenarnya aku merasa gak boleh iri dan harus menjadi motivasi aku ^^

    Tetap semangat review ya kak.

    1. Aww thank youu! Terus semangat me-review juga ya! :D

  2. Whuah, aku naksir beberapa bukunya, kak.
    Terutama buku-bukunya Winna Efendi & Tere Liye.
    Nabung nabuuunggg xD

  3. jadi inget udah lama nggak main ke toko buku :D ada beberapa yang ingin dibeli :)

