Wednesday, September 23, 2015

☆ Donating Books to C2O Library, Surabaya ☆

Earlier this year, I posted the process of me unhauling books in which I got rid of a whole bunch of books from my collection to sell / donate. Even though it was a difficult decision at first, on the other hand I also felt relieved—especially since I've read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. After reading that book, I unhauled even more books; and this time around it was much easier to do. But I'm not going to talk about that now, because I will be making a post about how I apply the Konmari method to my bookshelf in the future. As for this post, I will talk about what I did to those books that I recently unhauled :)

I accumulated 124 books (a mix of novels, non-fiction books, and comics/manga) and put them in these two boxes to be donated. I have also donated several boxes before this, which I left at my friend's house to be used when her mother went to social / charity events. However, her house is now packed with several boxes from me and I thought I should find an alternative place to donate my books. Long story short, I discovered a public library located near me that accepts book donations. The place is called C2O Library & Collabtive :) Then I sent an email inquiring the procedure and regulations. And so the next day, I finally visited the place with these two boxes in hand. And now I will introduce you to this wonderful place :))

C2O Library & Collabtive
Jalan Dr. Cipto No.22, Tegalsari, Jawa Timur 60264, Indonesia
+62 816 -1522-1216 / +62 - 822 5749 0872 | | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

When I reached the area, I was a little bit confused because it turns out they recently moved to a new place which is right next to their old one. As I approached the front doors, someone greeted me cheerfully and helped me brought the boxes in. She's the one who replied my email and is in charge of the front office. The picture below shows the front door and the front desk—which still looks a little bit chaotic because they haven't finished rearranging all the books. But I'm not complaining, because this is something that I see in my room everyday.

But the first thing that caught my eye as I entered the library is this super tall bookshelf filled with so many books! I love the color and design of the shelves; it has an industrial vibe to it but also looks clean and neat. I didn't have the time to look at each book one by one, but if I remember correctly, the person in charge told me that this big shelf is for non-fiction books. Isn't it so pretty~? This is literally bookshelf porn. ♡♥(。´▽`。)♥♡

And then next to the tall bookshelf, there's a smaller bookshelf which also contains a mix of non-fiction books. There are also some design books in this shelf, which got me excited because I have some design books that I also wanted to donate at home. They have a pretty decent collection, so for those of you looking for design inspirations, you can check out this place as well. Oh, and I absolutely love the decorations on top of the shelf! It's a mix of liquor bottles and other knick knacks.

Moving on to the center of the room, there's a table that's cluttered with books that still needs to be organized. And then there's this blackboard with a list of events that will be held, such as workshops, discussions, etc. Aside from having a library, C2O also provides venue for various events such as: cultural-based activities, educational events, social ventures, arts and culture, film/video screening, seminar, talk show, FGD (Focus Group Discussion), workshop, presentation, artist' talk, performance, etc. If you're interested in using the venue for your event, you can click this link and fill out the proposal :) You can also see various events that have been held in C2O previously on their website's Program page.

In front of the desk, there are more shelves at the center filled with various comic books/graphic novels, I think (pictured above). And then there are more shelves opposite the tall bookshelf, filled with a mix of fiction and non-fiction books. Below are some of the close-up pictures I took while I was strolling around the place. I really love the shelves with different colors lining the insides; I think it adds a pop of color in the room that's dominated with a lot of brown / neutral colors.

The last picture below showed the shelf that's in front of the front desk. It holds assorted films/CDs, as well as educational journals and such. I didn't look through each book in detail, so if you're curious to know more about C2O library's collection, you can visit the place on your own :))

The library isn't that big, but it's definitely full of interesting books and amazing collection. I didn't get to visit their old place, so if you want to see a glimpse of it you can check out the photos on their website :) Back to donating books, if you're interested to donate your old / pre-loved books, you can go to this link to read the procedure and regulations. They did mention on the website that they only accept certain type of books, but when I asked the person in charge, she said they accept any kind of books. If the books we donate is not suitable to be displayed in the library, it will be put to good use in other events. So no need to worry about the restriction they listed on the website, just bring the books you want to donate and they will sort it out :))

Lastly, those of you who're interested in becoming a member of this library so you can borrow some of the books, you can go to the membership page on C2O website for more details. It will let you know how to apply for membership, the fee, how long you can borrow a book, the late fine fee, etc. If you're in the area and doesn't want to spend all your money to buy books on your own, borrowing books from the library can be the perfect solution.

And that's it for this post! I hope you enjoyed this post that I'm not used to making. To sum it all up, I'm very happy I get to donate books to this place. After much deliberation, I thought it would be much better to put my unread / pre-loved books in this library so they can be read by many more people instead of it being stuck in my bookshelves collecting dust. It's still difficult for me to do because I love all my books, but I've finally made up my mind to let these books go. This might not be the last time I'm visiting C2O library to donate books, because I still have plenty more at home that I still haven't put in boxes. If you know of any other places that accepts book donations like this to recommend, feel free to share it with me in the comments below. Okay, bye!

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Hi, Stefanie. I have a mini library for children in rural (trash picker) area in Surabaya. If you have another children books to donate, we'll be really happy to receive. :) Please visit our facebook fanpage Taman Baca Kampung Pemulung Kalisari Damen Surabaya Thank you! :)

    1. Hi! Thank you for sharing, I will be happy to donate when I've accumulated some children books :D

  2. Hwaa..pengen deh ada seperti itu di kota tempat tinggalku.

    1. Aku jg pengennya ada lbh banyak tmpt kayak gini di sby xD
