Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July 2015: Book Haul


We're nearing the end of July and I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays :)) Compared to last month, I only got a small amount of books in July—which of course, is always a good thing. Hopefully I can keep this up until next month (not making any promises though). In this book haul there are 7 books: 5 English books and 2 Indonesian books (which I received from authors). I've already read 3 out of 7 books, so I'm not adding much to my TBR pile this month ;) Alright, so here are the books I got this month !

I actually purchased this one last month from Book Depository, and it's the book that I'm most excited to read from this haul! I watched the movie trailer last month and instantly ordered this book because it looks so freaking amazing. The book is quite expensive since I bought it full-price without any discount, so I hope I won't regret my decision to get this book! Loving that cover, by the way. This book will be on top of my TBR list for next month ;)

Another one that I ordered from Book Depository because last month they emailed me about the wishlist book price drop for this book. Couldn't resist it. I got it for about $7 so I think it's a good bargain. This is the novellas collection for the Throne of Glass series and the ratings are pretty good. Still not sure when I'll read this book, because I'm slowly collecting the whole series and will wait until it ends before I'll start or marathon it :))

I actually read this book first before I went and bought it from I read the ebook version of this book to join the We the Book Dragons book club read for June, and I find myself in love with this cute and adorable book! I couldn't stop myself from buying the paperback copy even though it's quite expensive. But the book is worth it! I decided to buy it from Periplus because for once they actually have a lower price than Book Depository. So don't forget to compare prices between online bookstores before making your purchase ;)

As for this book, the author—Nay Sharaya—kindly offered me to read and review her newest book, so of course I gladly accepted. I have read and reviewed this book (which I linked above) and it's actually a pretty unique teenlit story because it deals with mental illness. Loving the color on that cover; it's one of my favorite colors :)) Much thanks to the author for giving me the opportunity to read this book ;)

This was also my order last month from Book Depository because they sent me a 5% off discount code for my wishlist.... This website always knows how to get me to order something. This book (and the whole series) has been on my wishlist for the longest time, but I've been holding back because I don't have plans on reading it anytime soon. But that discount code helped and may be some time soon I will be ordering the rest of the series one by one :))

(the left one is the 2007 edition, and on the right is the newer edition)
Here's another book that I received from the author herself. It's actually a new redesigned edition of a book that I loved when I was a teenager which I read back in 2010. The author—Windhy Puspitadewi—sent me a message asking if I wanted a copy of the new redesigned edition, so I accepted it gladly. It can never hurt to have two copies of your favorite book ;) Thank you, Windhy Puspitadewi, for sending this book my way! Love the new cover as much as the old one :))

And lastly, this one is a book that I bought as a souvenir from Hobbiton (I'll be writing a post about my visit to that beautiful place soon)! The gift shop actually sells all of J.R.R. Tolkien's books, including an illustrated edition of The Hobbit, but that book is HUGE. I don't think it'll fit in my luggage, so I decided not to get it and went with this book instead. Although it's a different edition from the J.R.R. Tolkien book set that I have, I still adore the cover of this book. I'm not exactly sure when I'll be reading this but hopefully I'll get to it one day ;)

Those are all the books that I bought/received in the month of July! I'm really satisfied with this small haul because it means I'm a little bit successful in restraining myself from buying too many books like last month; and I won't add too much books to my overflowing TBR pile. What about you, did you get any books during the holiday? Are there books that interests you from my haul this month? Feel free to share your thoughts or maybe links to your own book haul in the comments below ;)
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. envy lihat Simon sama Unfinished Tales-nyaaaa >.<
    cant wait to read your story in Hobbiton! kali aja habis baca postinganmu nanti aku jadi ketularan bisa liburan ke situ x)))

    1. Coming soon post Hobbiton-nya :D Hahaha semoga bisa kesana juga yaaa, tmptnya cakepp xD

  2. aku udah baca She sama sepatu merahnyaa... lumayan suka sama si sepatu meraah, ngga nyangka ternyata si atha... *sembunyiin spoiler*

    1. Samaaa aku jg awalnya ngga nyangka bakalan begitu ceritanya :X

  3. read any brandon sanderson before? I have been wanting to read one of his book recommended by a friend x__x

    1. Nope, this will be my first time :D But I've heard amazing things about Brandon Sanderson's books! ;D
