Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Books You'd Want to See as TV Shows

image source: here. edited by me.
I only joined once in last month's Top 5 Wednesday, but hopefully it'll be different this month because the topics are quite interesting. As for the first topic in May is to choose Top 5 Books You'd Want to See As TV Shows. I don't watch a lot of TV shows, but if my favorite books are adapted into one, I will surely watch it faithfully. Sometimes movie adaptations didn't do justice to my favorite books/series, so I wish it would be adapted into a TV show—in which it can follow the original story and not mess up the plot. Here's my list in no particular order :)

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan
I know a lot of people are terribly disappointed by the movie adaptation (although I'm quite fine with it because there's Logan Lerman, duh), but I feel like the plot is too complex to be shortened into a 2-hour movie. If it's made into a TV show and followed the original story, I'm pretty sure it'll be a whole lot different.
The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
And if the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series turns out to be successful, why not continue adapting the next series, The Heroes of Olympus? A lot of things happened in the series and there can be multiple seasons for the TV show. I'm sure this will be an epic TV show. And please don't forget to put in Rick Riordan's humor in it too.
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Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella
This one has also been adapted into a movie, but it wasn't really that great. I think it'll be fun if this series is adapted into a TV show; and we can follow Becky Bloomwood's days from getting married until she had her baby. I really love her character in the book (I think almost all of Sophie Kinsella's book characters are fun to read), and I think it'll be quite a comedic show.
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A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket
Another one that was also adapted into a movie but it wasn't very popular. Since the series is pretty long (13 books), I think it'll be more suitable if it's adapted into a TV show. I really liked the book when I read it during my school days (even though I didn't read it until the end), and I think it'll also be fun for children to watch.
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Every Day by David Levithan
This is one of my favorite books; and I think the concept of the story will be fun to see as a TV show. If you haven't read this book yet, the story tells about A—who keeps living in a different body every single day. Aside from the romance, I think it'll be interesting to see the different lives of the people that A lived in for that one day. And I just found out that there's going to be a sequel for this! I'm SO excited!

Okay, so that's it for this week's list! Do you have any books/series that you'd like to see as TV shows? Please share them below or you can also share your Top 5 Wednesday links in the comment section so I can check them out :) Alright, see you in the next one!

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Setuju banget ama list di atas xD
    Plus aku mau nambahin seri Eragon! Kecewa banget sama filmnya pdhl ceritanya seru xD

    1. Hahaha aku belum baca Eragon sih, soalnya terintimidasi sm tebelnya xD

  2. Wah ini harus baca senua bih bukunya. rekomend banget (y)

  3. hu um, kayaknya bakal seru kalo everyday-nya david levithan ada yang mau adaptasi. *jadi kangen sama A

    1. Iyaa samaaa, aku jg kangen sama A :')) Makanya pengen cepetan baca sequel-nya :D

  4. Aku pernah nonton film nya a series of unfortunate events tapi belum pernah baca buku nya sih :p Hmm... kira2 mirip ga ya ceritanya?

    1. Aku belom nonton film-nya sih, tp harusnya mirip :D Mungkin di buku-nya lebih lengkap dan panjang ceritanya.
