Friday, May 29, 2015

May 2015: Book Haul


Most of the books from this month's haul is actually purchased near the end of April because I got some discount for my birthday. And to be completely honest, I didn't buy that many books this month. In total, my pile of May book haul consists of 14 books (2 books are missing from the picture above): I bought 9 English books and received 5 Indonesian books. Although I got quite a lot of books, I'm really satisfied with my purchase and am very excited to read them :D So here are my new books in the month of May!

These three books I ordered through Book Depository's April Bargains. I actually already own a mass market paperback copy of The Kite Runner and have already read it, but it never hurt to have an extra copy of my favorite book ♥ This book is heart-wrenching and really stirred my emotions. Definitely need to re-read it one day.
Another one by Khaled Hosseini which I also got from Book Depository's April Bargains. I also already have a copy and read this book as well, but it was quite cheap so I thought 'what the heck, I'll just buy it.' This is also one of my favorite books and I might want to re-read it as well just to experience it all over again :)) For those of you who never read Khaled Hosseini's books, I really recommend them because he's a very talented author and all his works are so so beautifully written.
I've been wanting to get a copy of this book but kept holding myself because I already have an e-book for it. But when I saw this in Book Depository's April Bargains section, I didn't need to think twice before adding it to cart. I heard so many great things about it, and I hope I won't be disappointed because of my high expectation. And that cover is so beautiful! ♥
Ordered this one from Book Depository as well because my brother wanted to read the English copy of the book. I've read the translated version of this book several years ago and it was indeed very inspirational. he writer thoroughly explained each personality types; their strengths and weaknesses and how to deal with each type of person. The main point about this book is to teach the readers to embrace these differences and learn to live with it. Still the best psychological book I've read so far :))
I actually pre-ordered this paperback copy from Book Depository for quite a reasonable price; because if I had purchased it in Indonesia it will be a lot more expensive. This book is really really popular these days and a lot of people are in love with it. It's a historical fiction book which I'm sure will be heart-wrenching and emotional. Totally my favorite kind of book. Hopefully I can pick this book up within this year.

I am currently collecting J.R.R Tolkien's books in this edition and I got this at Kinokuniya Bookstore while I was in Jakarta for a short trip. I was hesitant for quite some time because I'm not even sure whether I'm really interested in reading this book or not. But oh well, I finally got it in the end. I'm not sure when I'll read this one though.
This one is quite an impulsive buy, because even though I'm planning to read this book, I wasn't really planning on buying it. I discovered this book at Kinokuniya Bookstore as well, and that cover lured me into buying it. I've heard a lot of positive review about it so I'm really looking forward to reading this book :))
Another one that I've been wanting to read for so long! I also purchased this book at Kinokuniya Bookstore, and since it's a mass market paperback edition the price is quite cheaper than the regular paperback. I really admired Malala as a person and I think her book will be really inspirational to read. It's been a while since I read a non-fiction book, and I think I'll be picking this up very soon.

I loveee The Book Thief. And so when I discovered this book at Periplus Bookstore, I decided to buy it—especially because I had a 15% discount since it's my birthday. I heard this book is very different from The Book Thief, but I'm really interested to read Markus Zusak's writing again :) I guess I'll just have to see whether I will enjoy this book or not.
I also got this one from the same purchase at Periplus Bookstore; definitely taking advantage of the discount. I've seen this book often at the bookstore but I was always hesitant about buying it because I don't know if this book will be my cup of tea. But that cover is so beautiful, though. Anyways, this is a historical fiction story with magical realism mixed into it. Quite interesting.

These last batch are books I received from authors / publisher. This first one I received because I'm participating in the blog tour. I consider myself very lucky because I wasn't planning on buying this book on my own, so getting this book for free makes me extremely happy :)) It's an adult romance novel and if you're interested to know more about this book, click on the link above to go to my review :)
I was offered by Mery Riansyah, a representative of Fantasious publishing company, to review this book as part of an upcoming blog tour event. I was never offered a translated book before, so of course I gladly accepted it. I'm still unsure when the blog tour is going to be, but probably in the upcoming month :) So stay tuned for that!
When she offered me Stolen Songbird, she kindly offered me an extra book published by Fantasious as well, and my choice goes to this book! I've already read the English version of the book, but I'm really loving the cover of this translated edition. So far I already have two copies of A Song of Ice and Fire series, it wouldn't hurt to have another one to complete my collection ;)

I received this book from the author himself, and it's a horror fiction novel. I was quite hesitant in giving my answer because I almost never read any horror books, but I took the chance anyway. Thankfully I already finished reading this book and my review for it will be published early June ;)
And this last one I received from the publisher, Gramedia, to be reviewed. This book is a collection of short stories written by Gramedia's most renowned teenlit authors to celebrate Teenlit 11th anniversary. I've read this since last month and posted the review in May. You can click the title link to go to my review post :))

Those are all the books I got in May! Hopefully next month it won't be as crazy... Have you read any of the books I hauled this month? Or did you make any book purchase in May? Feel free to share your thoughts or your book haul posts in the comments below :) Okay, bye now!
by.stefaniesugia♥ .

1 comment:

  1. Busett bukunya banyakk amat. Gue 5 baru aja belum kebaca -_-
