Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 2015: Book Haul

I got a little bit crazy (yet again) with my book buying this month.... Most of the books in this haul are ordered last month; and I just realized that I ordered a LOT of books. There are 16 books in total (in the picture above, there's one book that's not supposed to be there) : 6 Indonesian books and 10 English booksand there are 3 non-fiction books in this pile. Things got a little bit out of control because of the Periplus voucher I received after redeeming my points.... ㅠㅠ I've only read 7 of these books so far..... so I've got a lot of reading to do. I will include the book reviews for the books I've read in the details below :) Now let me introduce you to my new batch of books! ;)

The first one is a book I received from the author herself, Monica Petra, and I have no idea that it's going to be a non-fiction book. This is my first read in February, and you can read my review about the book if you'd like to know more about it :)

To be honest, I'm not a classics fan. This book was first published in 1951, and many people still read it during this modern days. I bought it from Book Depository for quite a cheap price. However, I'm not sure when I'll be reading this book... #guilty. But that cover is really pretty though :))
Ordered these two from Book Depository as well. This book has been on my wishlist for quite sometime, and I was about to buy it from Periplus. But the edition they sell was really ugly, so I decided to get this pretty edition :))
I've read this book back in 2012, and so you might ask, why I bought this book again? The answer is because I want to buy this edition to match my LOTR boxset edition. Please don't judge me.

Another book that I received from the author, and this one is from Nay Sharaya. It's a book written by two authors, with two different perspectives of the main character. Read and reviewed it already :)
This book was released back in 2014, and back then I wasn't very interested in it. But there are a lot of good reviews for this book, and another book-blogger recommended it to me. I'm planning to read this next month, so hopefully that'll happen. I got this book from Gramedia bookstore.

These two I received from Penerbit Haru, and the first one is a Korean-translated book. It's one of my favorite reads of this month, and I really liked the story. Read my review to know more about my opinion about the book :) I absolutely love the soft-looking cover ♥
Next one is kind of a comic book translated from Korean. I had so much fun reading this book and laughed a lot. Definitely love the illustration style and everything is just so cute! I have some photos in my review showing what the inside pages looks like. It's all in full-color!

Some of you might already saw this book in this post, because I bought it from Amazon. This book has been on my wishlist for quite a long time. I'm currently learning modern calligraphy and I thought this book will be a great guide for me :) Look at that beautiful writing! ♥♥♥

These three books are my purchase from Periplus bookstore, using the voucher I got after I redeemed my PEC member points. I had the IDR 250,000 voucher, and the first book I picked up was this. I ordered the first 3 books of the Lunar Chronicles from Book Depository, so I thought it's okay to buy this novella to complete my collection. Even though the edition is different, I still think this book cover is so gorgeous (probably the main reason I picked it up in the first place).
Yes, I've also read this book, back in 2011. And why I bought this book again? It's actually has the same reason as my purchase for The Hobbit. Because I want to match my editions of The Hunger Games (I have Hunger Games and Mockingjay in this edition, but not for Catching Fire). I've wanted to do this for so long, because it's been bugging me how weird it looks! And now with the voucher I thought it will be a lot cheaper.... #excuses
And the third book from the same purchase is one that I've been wanting to get as well. Soon I will be starting the Legend trilogy by Marie Lu, and I've heard great things about it. I've also heard some pretty good reviews about this one as well :)

This one was also sent to me by Penerbit Haru, and this one is a Chinese-translated fiction. It's adapted into a TV series few years ago, and that definitely intrigued me. I finished reading it several days ago, but still working on the review which will be published early March.

These two I also ordered from Book Depository. I heard tons of great things about the Lunar Chronicles and the series will end this yearso I'm preparing myself to start reading them soon. The story sounds very interesting, and that cover is also intriguing.
The second book of the Lunar Chronicles series that I'm also excited to read soon. I've ordered the third book, Cress, but still hasn't arrived yet.

And lastly, is the first book from a series I'm planning to read this year. It's published in 2008, and I also read a lot of good reviews about it. Several years ago a friend recommended it to me as well. The story sounds like it's just right up my alley ♥

I'm both happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I've got these amazing and beautiful books with me; but also sad because I failed in restraining my book buying this month ㅠㅠ Anyways, have you read any of the books I included in this haul? Or are you interested in reading any of them? :) And did you buy any books this month? I hope you did, because that will make me feel better ;) Okay then, see you in the next post! ;)
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. I've read Catcher in the Rye the translated version and I'm off with it :( Doesn't mean to be spoiled but I think it's overrated book since it's got related with some famous event (a.k.a assassination).

    Anyway, aku juga pengen itu Sabtu Bersama Bapak belum kesampaian beli juga >.< Di Togamas nggak ada kayaknya :(

    1. Reallyyy? :( I bought it for the cover anyway ;p Di Gramedia ada kok Sabtu Bersama Bapak :D

  2. wah banyak banget stef book haul nya hehehe
    mau patrick ness nya, penasaran banget banyak yg bilang bagus ya
    penasaran lunar chronicles juga, tp cyborg isn't really my thing..

    1. iya nih, agak kalap bulan ini :X Aku jg sebenernya ngga pernah baca yg sci-fi gitu, tp review-nya bagus2 sih jadi penasaran :D

    2. iya sih lunar chronicles review nya bagus2, tp masih belum yakin aku hahaha
      klo patrick ness pingin banget baca, soalnya ga pernah baca bukunya dia juga, dan review nya selalu bagus
      udah pernah baca bukunya patrick ness belum?

    3. Belom pernah sih hahaha xD bulan ini rencananya baca A Monster Calls :D

  3. Aku ikutin Lunar Chronicles loh kak! Dan sempet nyesel ga beli Fairest padahal waktu itu ada di Periplus Galaxy Mall :( Anyway, happy reading! :D

    1. Fairest ini jg aku belinya di Periplus Galaxy Mall kok xD Ayo belii :D

  4. Banyak juga ya sampai 16 buku :p

  5. Buku-bukunya bikin ngileerrr. Cinder, Scarlet, Patrick Ness, OMG.
    Btw aku punya Let It Snow dong. Hahaha. #teruskenapa

    1. Hahaha ayo beli jugak :p
      Udh dibaca belom nih Let It Snow-nya ? ;D

    2. Wakakakak. Belum dibaca. *kemudian kabur*

  6. let it snow? saudaranya the fault in our stars kah..

  7. enam belas buku? XD etapi aku suka cover the hobbit sama let it snownyaaaa.. aaaak pingin punyaaa

    1. Hahahha ayok beli juga :p Iya nih aku kayaknya harus puasa buka Book Depo :1 Kalo buka pasti ada aja yg pengen dibeli ㅠㅠ

  8. aduh pengen banget Fairest ><. Lunar Chronicles bagus kak, aku aja dulunya skeptis tapi malah suka haha

    1. Iyaaa banyak yg bilang gitu jg, makanya aku tertarik mau baca :D
