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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Top Ten Popular Authors I've Never Read

image source: here. edited by me.
Hello! We're at the first Top Ten Tuesday of 2015! Since some of the earlier topics are quite difficult for me to make (or I'm just lazy), I decided to join this week because it's a freebie topic. So I decided to choose the older topics from Top Ten Tuesday that I haven't make yet; and my choice goes to Top Ten Popular Authors I've Never Read. The authors I'm going to list today are popular authors, but I haven't read a single book by them (even though I do have most of them on my bookshelf). I want this post to be a kind of reminder to myself, so I will make time to finally pick up these books. Here's the list in no particular order.

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Sarah Dessen
This author is extremely popular for writing young-adult novels, and has been writing books since 1996. She published 11 books up until 2013, and will have another book published in 2015. I actually have quite a lot of Sarah Dessen's books on my bookshelf, but still haven't got the urge to read them yet... I don't know why. Judging from most of the covers, I think these books are going to be a sweet young-adult romance stories :)
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Agatha Christie
It's a shame that I haven't read a single Agatha Christie's book yet. I absolutely love Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, so I assume that I would also love Agatha Christie's books—because I think they're almost equally popular. I already have 4 translated edition of Agatha Christie's books, and have almost all of the collection in e-book form. I'll just have to decide the time to start reading them.
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Cassandra Clare
Such a shame I haven't read this author yet, because I know a lot of people love The Mortal Instrument/The Infernal Devices series—and the series also just ended with the release of the 6th book. However, I was a bit discouraged after watching the movie adaptation, which I don't really like. So at that point, I became hesitant to pick this book up, but I'm still curious to see Cassandra Clare's writing that everybody loves so much.
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Haruki Murakami
This Japanese writer has released a lot of popular books, but again, I also haven't read any. I heard mixed things about his books, so I was always worried whether I would be able to relate with his writing or not. I have several of his books on my bookshelves left untouched.... I think I need something or someone to convince me to start reading one.
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Stephen King
I've heard of Stephen King's name for a very long time, and I know he's an extremely popular author because some of his books has been adapted into movies. But I don't know why, his name always seems really intimidating for me. Maybe because he's famous for writing horror/thriller books; and I rarely pick up books from that genre. However, I'm always intrigued to see why he's so popular and need to prove it myself. I think I have all of his books in e-book form, and some in paperbacks. Should I start reading one for Halloween?
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Stephanie Perkins
The Anna and the French Kiss trilogy/companion is seriously very popular for being cute and sweet young-adult romance books. The third book Isla and the Happily Ever After was just released in 2014, but I still haven't picked up any books by this author. I think I'm going to absolutely love these books, and I don't know what stopped me from reading them.
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C.S. Lewis
I think The Chronicles of Narnia series started to get more popular ever since it was adapted into a movie. And I will consider C.S. Lewis a pretty popular author not only because of that, but also because he's written tons of other books. Besides the Narnia series, I'm also highly interested in his non-fiction works that talks about spirituality. So yeah, I'm quite ashamed because I haven't read any of his works yet.
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Jane Austen
The only classic writer on this list! To be honest, I'm not really a classic fan—and you may already notice that from the books I read. But I think Jane Austen is extremely popular to the point that I was interested to read some of her works, especially Pride and Prejudice. From what I heard, even people who don't really like classics should be able to enjoy that book. So, maybe someday I will :)
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Maggie Stiefvater
Yet another very popular young-adult author here! Maggie Stiefvater is not only popular for The Wolves of Mercy Falls series, but also The Raven Cycle series—which I heard was amazing, because my friend totally loved it. However, even though I've had The Wolves of Mercy Falls series in my bookshelves for a pretty long time, I still haven't read her books. I should definitely check out her writing that so many people loved.
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Kazuo Ishiguro
And the last one is also a Japanese author. Even though I'm not sure if he's extremely popular or not, I'm very familiar with his book Never Let Me Go—which was also adapted into a movie. He also published a bunch of other books, but I still haven't read any yet.

All of these authors are popular, but I haven't read any of their books—not because I don't think I'll like them, more because I haven't made time for it yet. However, I will read their works, although I cannot say an exact time. This list is more like "Top Ten Popular Authors I've Never Read, But Really Want To". Anyways, have you read any of these authors from my list? What do you think about their works? :)) And maybe you can also comment on the popular authors you've never read before :)) Okay, see you in the next post! ;)
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Oh? Kirain sudah pernah baca bukunya Maggie Stiefvater.
    Perasaan dulu pernah baca review salah satu bukunya di sini deh.
    OMG. Mungkin aku salah. Mungkin aku lelah... #eh

    1. Belooon, adanya Maggie Tiojakin hahaha XD
      Mungkin memang lagi lelah ;D

  2. Movie adaptation Mortal Instrumen emang agak bikin ilfil. Aku juga jadi agak males baca abis nonton. Bukunya lebih menarik dari filmnya. *ya iyalaah* Kalo kamu belom baca, aku saranin baca versi bahasa inggrisnya aja. Aku baca buku pertama yang diterbitin disini, sama Mizan ya kalo ga salah. Dan lumayan kecewa sama editorialnya. Agak menggangu kenikmatan membaca. :(

    1. Iyaa, bikin ilfil banget hahaha :D Mungkin ngga tau kapan bakal aku coba baca bukunya ;))

    2. Aku setuju sama kalian tentang ilfilnya film adaptasinya. Engga ngerti banget :_(

  3. AGATHA CHRISTIE IS A MUST READ! Soalnya Conan Doyle kan cuma berapa buku. Makanya sebagian orang juga baca Agatha Christie yang rasanya nggak ada habisnya. Dulu sih detektifnya miss marple. Entah kenapa jadi Poirot dan mirip Sherlock -_- Tapi kalo aku sih tetep suka-suka aja hehe. Aku juga sudah baca bukunya Maggie Stiefvater yang itu loh. Kurang judul terakhir sih. Nggak sengaja nemu di perpus Unair. Lha kok lumayan. Mau koleksi ah~ Cassandra Clare nggak perlu dibaca mbak. Aku sih punya 3 buku awal dan blm dibaca *ups*. Sepupuku yg baca sering nge-skip halaman dan bosen di buku ke-3. Temen-temenku yg baca Mortal Instrument kebanyakan juga gitu.

    1. Hahahha okee! Akan segera dibaca kalo gitu :D Aku juga udh punya banyak buku Cassandra Clare tp belum kebaca..... *ups juga

  4. Nahh.. Nambah lagi referensi buku bacaan, nih. Jujur belum kenal nama-nama penulis yang disebutin kecuali Stephen King. Cuma punya satu buku, itupun hadiah ulang tahun.

    1. Lumayan terkenal loh ini penulis2nya, siapa tau mau coba baca :))

  5. Beberapa author yang disini juga ada yang belum kubaca. Entah Kazuo Ishiguro yang Never Let Me Go lebih suka filmnya daripada bukunya. Untuk Haruki Murakami mungkin bisa coba baca Norwegian Wood buat starter. Norwegian Wood termasuk buku Murakami yang paling 'normal'. He even said it so in his book.
    Dulu juga sempet takut baca Stephen King. Lebih karena nggak tahan sama tebalnya sih. Kebanyakan buku King kayak bantal. Haha. Terus coba baca beberapa novellanya Beliau dan ternyata emang seru.

    1. Wahh jadi penasaran mau ntn filmnya Never Let Me Go :D Siip, thank you rekomendasinya! Soalnya selalu bingung mau baca Haruki Murakami mulai dari mana :D

  6. Jane Austen tuh dr dulu pengen baca! >.< Liat edisi terjemahannya tebel2 jd jiper duluan -_-"

    Soalnya yg edisi B.Inggris pernah liat bukunya kecil dan tipis gitu. Mana harganya jg lbh murah kalo bookset :p #perhitungan Pgn beli secepatnya deh kl inget lg gini ahaha

    Haruki Murakami itu populer bgt yakk tp msh blm tertarik buat baca ga tau knp hahaha

    1. Ayoo dibeli dan dibacaa :DD Aku juga pengen segera baca bukunya Jane Austen ;))

  7. Sama banget tuh yang Sarah Dessen. udah diniatin tapi ada aja yang bikin gajadi.

    Kalo yang Mortal Instruments, bagus kok bukunyaa. Patut dibaca :D

    Kalo yang Stephanie Perkins juga bagus koook.

    Hahah yang seri Maggie Siefvater waktu itu juga masuk ke top ten tuesday : top 10 series i want to read this year (tahun lalu) tapi gak kesampaian juga. Bukunya banyak yang mau dibaca, waktunya yang ga ada mwahaha :D

    1. Hahaha bener banget tuh bukunya emg banyak banget, tp waktunya kurang banyak :D

  8. Stephanie Perkins bagus kok bukunya. Ceritanya ngalir enak banget. Aku juga penasaran banget sama Cassandra Clare. Mau beli buku-bukunya tapi koq banyak banget hehehhee

    1. Iya bukunya Cassandra Clare emg banyak bangett, yg Mortal Instruments aja udah 6 XD

  9. Aku sudah baca salah satu bukunya Stephen King, judulnya Carrie yang versi terjemahan.
    Bagus kok kak, seremnya kerasa O_O

    1. Aku juga mau mulainya dari baca Carrie dulu, tp udah serem duluan sama covernya :\

  10. What a pretty blog design. great list! I wish I had thought of that. :O

  11. Okay, so I'm not going to get on your case about not having read these authors because there are too many to try to read.

    However, Sarah Dessen's stories are not necessarily cute romance stories. They are stories about girls overcoming rape, abuse, eating disorders, etc. I like Dessen because she doesn't mince punches. Yeah, there's romance but the story is always more about resolving some really tough issues. That's why I love her.

    Thanks for sharing. top 10 series I never finished

    1. Thanks for the info there! I didn't know Sarah Dessen takes on heavier topics like that :D Good to know!

  12. Nice list!! Here's my TTT post for the week:

  13. I definitely recommend Agatha Christie! I've would advise starting with And Then There Were None. Of all, it's my favorite of hers so far. The suspense kept me on the edge through the entire book and I think you would like it. I haven't read Perkins, King, or Dessen yet just to name a few, so you're not alone in that. Thanks for sharing Stefanie:)

    Claire @ Cover to Cover

    1. Thank you for the recommendation! I'm always confused where to start reading Agatha Christie :D Glad to know I'm not the only one ;))

  14. I haven't read any Sarah Dessen or Haruki Murakami books, too! Thanks for sharing yours :)

  15. jadi pengin baca The Shining-nya Stephen King hahaha

    1. Katanya itu serem banget ya The Shining.. belum berani baca :X

  16. Such a great list! You should definitely read Sarah Dessen, I love her to pieces. I've shied away from Stephen King because I am such a wimp, but have heard fantastic things about it. Beautiful blog, btw.


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