Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 2014: Book Haul

It's finally time for another book haul! Last month I didn't buy any books, but this month I went a bit crazy with book-buying (because I also got some books on my holiday trip). Those who followed me on Instagram would know that I cleaned and rearranged my bookshelves in the last few days; and I'm also planning to sell/donate some of books - which means more space in my bookshelves for new books! This month I acquired 15 books; mostly are English books and several Indonesian books. Unfortunately I have only finished reading 2 books from this pile, because this month I devoted my time to reading A Game of Thrones (btw, I finally finished the book! Hopefully the review will be up soon). Without further delay, let me introduce my new books!

The first two are my purchase from The Book Depository; I actually have never read Patrick Ness's books, but somehow I'm always attracted to all of his books because they all sounds really interesting. I'm planning to start by reading The Chaos Walking trilogy because it was recommended to me by a friend a long time ago, but I haven't made time for it yet. The other one is the third and final book of Under the Never Sky trilogy; which I'm planning to read soon because I've also heard great things about it :))

These are the 4 Indonesian books I bought this month in Gramedia bookstore. I actually wasn't planning to buy Tomodachi (because I didn't read the first book in the School series), but I really enjoy Winna Efendi's writing so I thought I'd give it a try. I was most excited for Tere-Liye's new book, but I never thought it would be so thin! I was a bit disappointed actually, because it's only a collection of poems instead of novel :( But I still bought it out of my love for Tere-Liye's writing. Perfect Mess has been in my wishlist for quite some time, and I can't wait to read it soon :) The last one is a comic by a local Indonesian illustrator. Read my review for more about this book ;)

I also recently went to Periplus and bought some books! Actually it's been a while since I visited this bookstore, because the price of the books are usually very expensive (especially newer ones). But I just can't resist the temptation to buy these books! The first one is Hollow City, the second book of Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children - which I seriously think the cover looks creepy. And the next one is Fangirl - because I enjoyed Eleanor and Park so much, I thought I'd give this one a try :)) I just love the color of the cover :)

The book on the left is actually an unfamiliar book to me, and I just bought it out of impulse when I was on holiday. When I saw this book at the local bookstore, I thought I should get a book with something 'Scotland' in it - and so I bought it. Only now did I know this book is part of a series, and this one is the 6th book! (and there are 8 books in total) So I regretted a little bit, but I still think of this book as a pleasant souvenir. Next is a book I got at Periplus, which is a sequel to The Shining (that I have not read as well, ㅋㅋㅋ), but I just love the cover so much - so I bought it. Hopefully I can start trying out Horror books really soon :)

I've heard so many wonderful things about The Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo, and I decided to order the paperback copy although I already have the ebook. I placed my order for both these books, but unfortunately Shadow and Bone was out of stock :( So I only received Siege and Storm in the package. And when I went on my holiday to England, I spot a copy of Shadow and Bone in Waterstones (quite a huge chain bookstore there)! Without having a second thought, I immediately bought it :))) Now I only need to buy the last book in the series, Ruin and Rising, but I'm still hoping for the price to drop just a little bit ;)

I've wanted to read Grimm Tales since a long time ago, but never really got to it. So when I see this beautiful edition of Philip Pullman's Grimm Tales for Young and Old in a bookstore during my holiday, I thought I'd just buy it - hoping that the pretty cover would encourage me to read it soon. I think this book is somewhat different with the original Grimm's Fairy Tales written by the Grimm brothers. Hopefully it will be an interesting read ;)

I also got this beautiful book at Waterstones in England, because I cannot resist the wonderful feeling of the cover and the paper inside. I've heard tons of incredible things about this book, but since I already have an e-book version of it, I thought I'd save some money - because this book is pretty expensive. Oh well, a bookstore is indeed much more tempting because I get to feel the books and fell in love with them. And for those who didn't know, Daniel Handler is an author who wrote The Series of Unfortunate Events under his pen name, Lemony Snicket - and I love his writing!

The last book, another Patrick Ness book with this stunning book cover! I know, most of my purchase are motivated by the beauty of book covers. And I wouldn't deny it, because book covers attracted my attention the most. I don't really know much about this book, but I've heard pretty good things - so I decided I would just give it a try :)) And I would be proud to have this book on my bookshelf ;)

Those are the 15 books I got in the month of August; I already finished 2 books from the pile and I'm currently reading Tomodachi by Winna Efendi. I will try my best to not buy any books next month, because I seriously need to deal with my TBR pile. I recently have very limited time to read, but then I keep buying more books. Oh gosh, the never-ending problem of a book reader. I will talk more about my recent routine in my wrap-up post, and I hope my clearance sale post will be up soon after I finished taking pictures of all the books ;)) Bye!

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. keren bukunya. Tapi artikelnya bahasa inggris, nggak ngerti.

  2. More Than This masuk wishlist akuh >,<

  3. How lucky you are, Stefanie, can buy English book esp bought Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I want to own that book besides another Rowell's work, Eleanor & Park. I think the two are books must reading as well as Grimm Tales for Young and Old. It seems interesting although never read the review :)

    Oh, yes, I want to ask, have you ever shopped in books stores in Singapore? If ever, could you please suggest me which one that selling complete and cheap books. Thank you.
