Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Top 5 Wednesday: Top Books You Devoured

image source: here. edited by me.
And so we meet again in this week's Top 5 Wednesday! Thankfully I am still able to post this amidst all the busyness that's been surrounding my life. And I am so excited for this week's topic, which is to choose Top Books You Devoured. At first I was pretty hesitant about the meaning of the word 'devoured', so I look it up on the internet (pardon my bad English). And it turns out the word can mean "read (something) quickly and eagerly". Oh I have so many books that I can include in that category. But I'll try my best to just choose 5 of my favorites for this list ;)

#5 Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan
I don't know if this count as cheating, because there are five books in this series. But anyway, Percy Jackson deserves number 5 on this list, because I just keep wanting for more every time I read this book. I just love the whole mythology concept of the story ;)

#4 The Host by Stephenie Meyer
I read this a few months after I'm finished with the Twilight saga; and in my opinion, this book is so much better! I instantly fell in love with the setting, the characters; and I would read this throughout the night because I can't wait to know what comes next. I heard there's going to be a sequel to this? It's expected to be published in 2015. I hope it's true, and I can't wait! (Oh, by the way, the movie adaptation was very disappointing. Read my review for the movie adaptation here.)
#3 The Maze Runner by James Dashner
This one is pretty recent, and if you read my review on The Maze Runner, you would know how much I love this book. Unlike Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, I devoured on the first book more than the rest of the books in the trilogy. The book is action-packed, thrilling, and exciting; makes me want to read it all night long until it's finished. Totally devoured on this one.
#2 The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Like The Maze Runner, I devoured the most on the first book of The Hunger Games trilogy. It was a super-amazing book; I love all the characters, the world building, how the story escalates; and my favorite part of course has to be The Hunger Games! And I would never ever forget Peeta Mellark, forever.

#1 Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
THIS. I read the whole series back in 2009/2010 I think, and I still remember how I really don't want to let go of this book even though it's already well past midnight. I just kept reading and reading, even though my arms hurt from holding the big book. I love this series so much, and I really want to re-read it and be reminded of all the joy I got from reading this series. Harry Potter series is number one in my list of Top Books I Devoured :')))
Next week is the last week of May! 
The last topic for next week is really difficult for me;
which is to choose the Top First Sentences.
Does this mean I should start opening books one by one?
.... Not sure if I'm going to do this or not xD
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. udahhh ;D susah ya kalo covernya lain2 xD belum bacaa, lagi tunggu buku terakhirnya terbit baru mulai baca ;))

  2. YESS!!! Aku setuju banget sama Harry Potter :3
