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Monday, May 26, 2014

May 2014: Book Haul

It's almost the end of the month, and I think this will be a good time to post my May book haul - because next week I'll probably be too busy to take pictures of my new books. So this month, I've got 7 books in total (so far), and I'm pretty happy I finished reading 5 books from this pile in May! *And 1 is a reference book, so I only added 1 book to my TBR pile. YAYY*. And besides books, I also spent quite a sum of money for something else.... Without further delay, here are the list of books I've got this month :D

This was sent to me by the author herself to be read and reviewed. She's the winner of a novel-writing contest held by the publisher :) She also have another book coming up from other publisher (because she also wins there!), so I'm looking forward to that :)) For more about this book, I have a review for this book here.
Bukan menempuh jenjang studi yang lebih tinggi. Bukan menjadi psikolog. Bukan menjadi konselor. Aku hanya ingin menjadi guru. Iya, guru bagi mereka anak-anak autis. Tidak cukupkah penjelasanku itu, Tedibear-ku Sayang?

Memiliki kedudukan penting di kantor. Memiliki anak yang cantik dan pintar. Memiliki uang untuk menunjang penampilan. Semua itu tidak penting bagiku. Karena yang kuinginkan hanya satu. Yaitu kamu selalu ada di sampingku, Sayang…

Harus giat bekerja siang dan malam. Harus rela menerima caci maki dari atasan. Harus ikhlas menerima kenyataan. Namun yang terpenting, aku harus tegar melihatmu yang terus sibuk memainkan tumpukan kancing-kancing itu, Anakku Sayang….

This Korean-translated book was sent to me by Penerbit Haru, and I super loveee the cover! The illustration style is the typical Korean manhwa style, and the color looks so dreamy and sweet. I have also written a review for this book, you can read it here.
Song Ah Ri
Siapa pria itu? Pria yang sanggup memberi cinta sehangat itu?
Selama ini, Ah Ri selalu bermimpi tentang seorang pria yang tak dikenalnya. Sampai akhirnya secara tak sengaja ia bertemu dengan pria itu, dan Ah Ri pun yakin bahwa mimpi-mimpinya tersebut adalah suatu “ramalan”.

Yoon Ian
Jangan menangis lagi. Mengapa kau sering sekali menangis?
Song Ah Ri hanyalah seorang gadis yang baru kemarin Ian kenal. Jadi… mengapa gadis itu bisa mengatakan suka padanya? Lalu… bagaimana ia bisa tertidur di samping gadis tersebut?

Kim Gana
Maafkan aku, Gyu Wan....
Kematian Gyu Wan—teman baik Yoon Ian sekaligus kekasih Kim Gana—beberapa tahun lalu masih membuat hati wanita itu terperangkap. Gana pun tak bisa begitu saja mengaku bahwa sebenarnya Ian-lah yang ia cintai. Namun, setelah percobaan-percobaan bunuh diri Ian serta pertemuan pria itu dengan seorang gadis aneh dan mencurigakan, Gana tahu dirinya harus segera bertindak.

Another one sent to me by Penerbit Haru, but this one is a Mandarin-translated book. It's the second Mandarin-translated book I've read after You Are the Apple of My Eye, so I was really looking forward to it. If you want to know what I think about this book, you can read my review here.
Pria itu pasti sudah gila.
Orang normal tidak akan duduk di atas kap mobil orang yang tak ia kenal dan menyanyikan lagu blues di tengah badai topan.

Dokter Bai Qian Xun yang sedang lelah setelah kesibukan mendadaknya di UGD, kaget sekali saat melihat seorang pria asing duduk dengan santai di atas kap mobilnya. Yang lebih menjengkelkan lagi, pria yang ternyata hilang ingatan tersebut meminta Bai Qian Xun untuk menampungnya malam itu.

Meski awalnya tidak mau, akhirnya hati Dokter Bai Qian Xun pun tergerak. Wanita itu lalu membawa pria aneh tersebut ke apartemennya. Lambat laun, ia pun mulai menyukai kehadiran pria itu dalam hidupnya, bahkan jatuh hati pada pria misterius tersebut.

Namun, ketika ingatan pria itu kembali, bagaimanakah nasib hubungan mereka berdua?

I was so excited when this book arrived in my mail! I bought this from Book Depository - because unfortunately I couldn't find the e-book version of it. I heard it was amazing so I decided it'll be worth to buy. I was planning to read it in May, but that didn't happen - so I'll probably read it next month ("maybe"). I absolutely love the cover! It's a contemporary young adult fiction; and the color of that cover somehow reminds me of TFIOS.
Just when seventeen-year-old Cullen Witter thinks he understands everything about his small and painfully dull Arkansas town, it all disappears. . . .

In the summer before Cullen's senior year, a nominally-depressed birdwatcher named John Barling thinks he spots a species of woodpecker thought to be extinct since the 1940s in Lily, Arkansas. His rediscovery of the so-called Lazarus Woodpecker sparks a flurry of press and woodpecker-mania. Soon all the kids are getting woodpecker haircuts and everyone's eating "Lazarus burgers." But as absurd as the town's carnival atmosphere has become, nothing is more startling than the realization that Cullen’s sensitive, gifted fifteen-year-old brother Gabriel has suddenly and inexplicably disappeared.

While Cullen navigates his way through a summer of finding and losing love, holding his fragile family together, and muddling his way into adulthood, a young missionary in Africa, who has lost his faith, is searching for any semblance of meaning wherever he can find it. As distant as the two stories seem at the start, they are thoughtfully woven ever closer together and through masterful plotting, brought face to face in a surprising and harrowing climax.

Complex but truly extraordinary, tinged with melancholy and regret, comedy and absurdity, this novel finds wonder in the ordinary and emerges as ultimately hopeful. It's about a lot more than what Cullen calls, “that damn bird.” It’s about the dream of second chances.

I purchase this because a friend of mine recommended it to me; and since I also needed something light to read, I decided to get it from Book Depository. And indeed it was a fun and light read, but I personally it's too short - for such an expensive price. But the content is very interesting, so check out my review on this book here.
You don’t need to be a genius, you just need to be yourself. That’s the message from Austin Kleon, a young writer and artist who knows that creativity is everywhere, creativity is for everyone. A manifesto for the digital age, Steal Like an Artist is a guide whose positive message, graphic look and illustrations, exercises, and examples will put readers directly in touch with their artistic side.

So this is the reference book that I mentioned at the beginning of this post, which is not a book for reading. It is actually a practice book, that helps us learn how to make script lettering, ornaments, etc. I pre-ordered this book, and was very surprised when it came. It is a book by my favorite typographer, Mary Kate McDevitt, and I got this from Book Depository.

The last book on this month's haul is a comic book, or manga, whatever you want to call it. Anyway, I didn't buy comic books as much as I used to when I was a teenager. But I cannot resist this! Even though I never really liked reading Detective Conan's comic book (because they always makes my hand black and dirty), I'm really curious about this one because it's the Reader's Choice edition :D This book is full of amazing episodes voted by the readers to commemorate Detective Conan's TV & Movie 15th anniversary. I will post the review for this soon ;)
Terjadi kasus pengeboman yang dilakukan oleh pelaku yang juga melakukan pengeboman yang sama 7 dan 3 tahun yang lalu.

Conan yang sedang terluka parah akibat tertembak, berhasil selamat berkat Ran yang mendonorkan darahnya. Kogoro menerima sebuah undangan "pesta halloween yang terlambat" dari seseorang bernama Vermouth.

Kisah ini semua pilihan dari pembaca setia Detektif Conan. Seperti apakah keseruan kumpulan kisah pilihan pembaca?
So that is it for this month's book haul; and once again I want to thank the author and publisher who gives me books to be reviewed - I'm always honored. And if you have opinion about these books, whether you've read it or want to read it, feel free to comment down below ;) I will now go back to writing my thesis. Bye!

by.stefaniesugia♥ .

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