Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Top 5 Wednesday: Top Characters You Hate

image source: here. edited by me.
So, sorry I missed out on last week's Top 5 Wednesday; not because I didn't make it, but I have no idea what to list.... That's why I decide to skip it. But here we are now with the last topic of the month, on the last day of April! Time really flies. It's almost halfway through 2014. Today's topic, as you can see in the image above, is Top Characters You Hate. I probably hated a lot of characters through my reading journey over the years; but because I read many more books after that, I tend to forget them rather quickly (because why would I waste my energy hating on fictional characters for so long?). So I might as well choose some characters that I hate from books that I read rather recently. And here goes the list!
5. Peter Hayes (Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth)

At number 5 on this list is the jerk of Divergent trilogy, Peter. I absolutely hate his character, especially in the first book - but then his character has a bit of twist and turn. But still, I can never forget the fact that he stab a person in the eye (with a butter knife!), just so he can be ranked first. The way he bullied Tris, is totally unacceptable. Thank God he doesn't showed up so much in the movie; or I'll want to punch him in the face.
4. Dr. Frederick Chilton (Hannibal series by Thomas Harris)

Actually, I haven't finished reading all four books in the Hannibal series - so far I've only read up to Silence of the Lambs; but up until now, I started to hate Dr. Frederick Chilton's character - because he's wicked and just messed things up. I think I read somewhere that Chilton's character won't make an appearance in the third book (supposedly killed by Hannibal), but we'll see ;)

3. President Snow (The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins)

This man deserves to be on this list for creating The Hunger Games. What kind of President would create such a game for enjoyment and entertainment? President Snow is a heartless character who easily kills people for his own pleasure and benefit. And imagining the scent of blood on his breath just make me hate this character even more.

2. Lord Denethor (The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien)

This is the character I hate the most in The Lord of the Rings trilogy; more than I hate Sauron or Saruman. Lord Denethor deserves the number 2 spot on this list. The fact that he only loves Boromir and not Faramir is already awful. And when the world is at war, he sends soldiers to fight, while he eats leisurely. The worst is when he tried to set fire on himself and Faramir (who he thought was dead, but actually haven't). He's just so insane and I hate him. So we'll let Gandalf give him a good smack.

1. Edwin Epps (12 Years a Slave by Solomon Northup)

Number one on this list comes from a book I just recently finished, and it is actually a non-fiction book - so imagine this hateful character is real. He's a cotton planter who treated the slaves inhumanely. He could easily whip the slaves tens to hundreds of times just because they didn't produce as much cotton as yesterday. He's a very selfish person and only does what he wants - and he wants everybody to do what he wants. I'm just speechless with this character. You should probably read the book yourself, or go watch the movie. He's not fictional, and that made me hate him even more.

This is the last topic for April (and I'm sorry I missed one ;p),
and I will see you in the next Top 5 Wednesday in May with new lists to talk about ;)
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. just found your blog, keep up the good work. it's awesome!!

    imeowlife. , Gina

  2. Haloo, salam kenal, mba :)
    Blog nya sungguh menarik, aku suka menjelajah di blog mba Stef:)
    Mba Stef, template The Bookie Looker pasti bikin sendiri ya, kalau boleh tahu, pakai software apa? Hehehe maaf sebelumnya. :)

    1. Makasih ya, salam kenal juga ;)
      Kalau utk template, cuma edit template asli dari blogger ;) untuk elemen grafis yang lain biasanya pakai Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator ;)

    2. Terimakasih kembali mba :)
      Tetap berkarya, ya :)
