Sunday, April 27, 2014

Book Haul: April 2014


It's time for another book-haul! Starting from now, I will separate my book-haul post and the monthly greeting post (which will become a monthly wrap-up that I will post at the end of the month) - so this post will only focus on the new books that I got this month (if there is any - but I think a month never goes by without a new book). In this book-haul post, I will post pictures of the book cover and also the synopsis of the book - and of course the reason why and how I got the book. Hopefully this new format will be constantly posted each month; and now let's see the new books I've got in April.

This might not count as a book, but since I got it from bookdepository, I might as well include it in this haul. It is a notepad created by one of my favorite typography artist, Mary-Kate McDevitt. The paper inside comes in various designs that are so pretty - even to just look at. Besides using this as a notepad, I got this as a reference and idea book. Such a beautiful notepad, I don't know if I could ever make notes with this book.

My favorite from this month's haul! Khaled Hosseini always blew me away with his works (I have read The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns; I gave both 5/5 rating). And so when his new book is out, I patiently waited for the paperback and directly pre-ordered it from bookdepository. After the long wait, this book arrived in the mail and I absolutely can't wait to read this! I'm planning to read it in May~ :)))
Khaled Hosseini, the #1 New York Times–bestselling author of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, has written a new novel about how we love, how we take care of one another, and how the choices we make resonate through generations.

In this tale revolving around not just parents and children but brothers and sisters, cousins and caretakers, Hosseini explores the many ways in which families nurture, wound, betray, honor, and sacrifice for one another; and how often we are surprised by the actions of those closest to us, at the times that matter most.

Following its characters and the ramifications of their lives and choices and loves around the globe—from Kabul to Paris to San Francisco to the Greek island of Tinos—the story expands gradually outward, becoming more emotionally complex and powerful with each turning page.

I only just realized that I've already got the special edition version of this book, but when I saw it in Uranus bookstore, I just picked it up because I cannot resist Miiko. Miiko has always been my favorite manga, and it is the only comic that I still keep buying until now.

I have no plans on buying this book, but I'm so curious about it. So when I won the weekly review contest by Gramedia (#ResensiPilihan), I listed Teater Boneka as one of the five book choices that I want as a free-book prize. I didn't really expect this book to come in the mail, but when it did, I'm so excited to read it. One of the writers, Orinthia Lee, is also a BBI-member! Check her book-blog here. I finished reading this book, and the review is coming real soon.
Teater Boneka Poppenkast terancam tutup!

Jumlah penonton yang semakin menyusut membuat Erin berjuang keras membuat cerita-cerita baru untuk dimainkan di teater boneka yang ia warisi dari sang kakek. Tapi ini bukan pekerjaan mudah. Erin merasa tak ada yang memahami cita-citanya, termasuk Robert, kekasihnya.

Hingga Erin bertemu Awan, lelaki dengan latar belakang misterius yang memaksa bekerja di Poppenkast tanpa meminta bayaran. Dukungan lelaki itu terhadap kelangsungan teater boneka membuat Erin jatuh hati.

Namun Awan ternyata menyimpan rahasia masa lalu yang membuatnya harus bersembunyi di Poppenkast. Saat rahasia lelaki itu terungkap, ternyata dia bukan orang yang selama ini dikira Erin. Hingga Awan akhirnya harus memilih antara menyelesaikan persoalan masa lalunya atau terus bersama Erin.

Penerbit Haru sent me this book to be reviewed, and I was really excited about the premise of two souls in one body. I absolutely love the cover that looks kind of gothic and dark. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and for more about this book you can read my review here.
Kepada Lee Min-ah.
Salam kenal. Aku Yoon Jae-hee. Meski sulit dipercaya, sekarang aku ada di dalam tubuhmu.

Nasibku sungguh sial: pacarku meninggalkanku, aku tidak lulus audisi musikal, ditambah lagi aku mati ditabrak truk.
Tapi aku mendapat kesempatan untuk merasuki tubuh orang lain meskipun hanya sehari, dan aku mengambil kesempatan itu.

Boleh, kan? Hanya satu hari saja.

Orang pikir aku memiliki segalanya: karier sebagai pengacara di firma hukum raksasa Korea, kecantikan, dan kekayaan. Tapi, aku masih terikat dengan masa laluku. Aku harus menyelidiki semuanya sampai tuntas.

Namun, kenapa aku membuang waktu mengikuti audisi musikal yang bahkan tak bisa kuingat? Ke mana ingatanku selama beberapa jam itu? Jae-hee? Siapa Jae-hee?

Kenapa sepertinya dia menginginkan tubuhku selamanya?

This one is also sent to me by Penerbit Haru, and it's a Japanese-translated book. I was quite curious with the premise that offers a detective who's not really smart, but still have to solve murder cases. I also finished reading this book and had so much fun with it - you can read my review here.
“Menyelesaikan kasus sepele seperti ini saja tidak bisa, apakah Tuan Putri sebenarnya bego?”

Kenapa ada mayat bersepatu bot di kamar yang berlantai kayu?
Kenapa ada racun dalam botol anggur yang masih tertutup rapat?
Kenapa ada mayat yang tinggi badannya bisa menyusut?

Hosho Reiko adalah putri tunggal pemilik Grup Perusahaan Hosho yang kaya raya. Gadis ini harus menyelesaikan berbagai kasus pembunuhan yang misterius itu bersama atasannya, Komandan Kazamatsuri. Sialnya, Komandan Kazamatsuri ini tidak bisa diandalkan!

Reiko yang belum lama menjadi penyelidik di Kepolisian Kunitachi akhirnya hanya bisa mengeluh pada pelayannya, Kageyama.

Namun, pelayan tampan ini justru mengejeknya habis-habisan. Tapi, mau bagaimana lagi…. Hanya Kageyama yang bisa memecahkan misteri kasus-kasus pembunuhan itu dengan analisis jitunya.

Nikmati tingkah konyol mereka dalam tujuh cerpen komedi detektif ini!

The last one is a reference book about fonts. When I'm working on my designs, choosing the appropriate font always took the longest time - because I literally have thousands of fonts in my computer. I hope this book can make it a lot easier for me, because the fonts are divided into its' typographic categories: Serif, Sans Serif, Script, Stencil, Ornamental, etc. I got this book also from bookdepository :)

Well, that is it for my April book-haul. I'm quite proud of myself because I didn't really buy much this month, and I'm also thankful to the publishers for the free books. I'll see you again in next month's book-haul post then ;) Bye!

by.stefaniesugia♥ .

1 comment:

  1. Wah sudah ada postingan book haulnya nih ^^ padahal belum berganti bulan~

    Mau juga buku An The Mountain Echoud >.<
