Monday, March 31, 2014

March: New Books and Updates
The last day of March! Sorry for not updating on any book-hauls since my last February post. March was super hectic and mentally exhausting, for no other reason than the almighty thesis, of course.  I had to make several changes to some of the works I've done, and it just tires me both physically and mentally. I really really need a holiday right now (ㅠㅠ sobs desperately). Even though March 31st is a public holiday, I can't just lay around and do nothing; I still have to make progress for my thesis even though I'm at home (supposed to enjoy the holiday). Anyway, enough of that stuff. The next thing I'll talk about is book-haul! Although I didn't get much books this month, I'm really happy I made these purchases - and hopefully I'll get to read them soon ;)

*Oh, and by the way, I'm so happy many of you joined the Giveaway Hop in my blog; and I really appreciate all the comments and suggestions for non-review posts :)) Thank you so much! I will consider them and make a list of the ones that I will make after the giveaway ended. For those of you who haven't joined yet, it's still not too late! The giveaway closes on April 11th 2014, so go check it out ;

Presenting the newcomers on my bookshelves~♥

I got this book from Periplus bookstore the other day, because I had to use the vouchers that I exchanged before it expires. I was looking for something light and fun to read (and I wasn't looking for any fiction books, because I mostly have them in my Kindle already) to relieve the stress caused by thesis. When I saw this illustrated book, I think it was really cute and I decided to buy this using the vouchers. Looking forward to read this soon ;)
I am a typography enthusiast so I have several books that talks about type that interests me. I bought this book at It was quite expensive actually, but I think it's worth it. Basically it's a book that helps you practice drawing hand-drawn alphabets. There's a guide on one-page, examples on how to draw a typeface/font from A-Z, and on the other page there's this grid where you get to practice drawing the copy. The typefaces are really cute and I certainly can't wait to start drawing them :)) *the cover is so pretty too!
Here's another book that I also got by using the Periplus voucher, it's a book by Joyce Meyer - one of my favorite authors who writes books on Christianity/Spirituality. This book has been on my wishlist for quite a while, and seeing this book in Periplus' bookshelf made me instantly want to buy it. Most of the time, people are afraid of God's anger and disapproval - but this book lets us know that God's love is so much bigger than that. Super excited to read this, but I still haven't set an exact date to start.
This one I got for free from Yes24 Indonesia! Yayy! Once again thank you to Yes24 Indonesia, because this book has been also on my wishlist for a few weeks, but I was saving money so I didn't buy it yet. When I got to choose a book prize, I definitely chose this one! The reviews on Goodreads are a bit conflicting - really good rating, and not-so-good rating. So I have to read it and see how the book is by myself. I'm going to start reading this book directly after I finish my current-read, which is The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks. :))

Soo, there's not that many books I got this month - which for me is an amazing achievement because as I've said in my previous post, I'm trying to cut my book-shopping budget, YAY! And I'm pretty satisfied with my purchases this month :)) Lastly, I'm really sorry about my reading speed that has slowed down a lot. It took me about a week or more to finish a book, and a few more days to write a review for it. Which is one of the reasons why I reduced my Goodreads 2014 Reading Challenge to just 50 books this year. I will try my best and keep this blog updated with non-review stuffs if I haven't finished with my book reviews. I guess that's it for today, see you in the next month update (when I'll be talking about turning 22 this year. Oh gosh, time flies!). Bye!

by.stefaniesugia♥ .

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