Friday, November 22, 2013

November: The Last Fight of the Semester and Book Buys


I made the title sounds a bit heroic, although it's just the last fight of the semester - not the last fight ever - because in truth, the war still lasts a lot longer; and this is only the beginning. So far I'm going through things pretty smoothly, and I'm very thankful for that. And thanks to those who wished me well ^~^ Hopefully it will keep up. Another thing that's making me happy right now, is that I'm so close towards the HOLIDAYS. BIG YAY! This week is the start of my semester's exam, and after I got through it I'm having a super-long holiday until January. But I guess having a long holiday doesn't mean lazing around at home everyday, because I have to admit I've still got loads of work left to do. Still, the word 'holiday' itself always cheered me up. More life-talk at the end of this post; now let me present this month's book haul.

I came across this book in Tumblr; and since I'm a huge fan of typography and all that stuff, I'm so craving for this book so I decided to buy it last month. The package arrived recently, and I was happy even though it was quite expensive, I think. But the book was worth it, with the big size and hardcover. The inside is no doubt beautifully designed; it introduces us to the anatomy of the essential typefaces we see daily. It's such a cool book ♥♥

I was extremely sad about How to Love though, because I really wanted to buy the mint-colored version - which is so pretty and is my favorite color - but that color is only available on hardcover ;___; As I browse through bookdepository, I only found this version and I was like in a dilemma whether to buy it or not. But since I've been so interested with the book, I finally decide to buy it. The package arrived together with Ruta Sepety's Out of the Easy. I've been waiting for her new book to come out since I absolutely love her book Between Shades of Gray. I quickly ordered a copy when the book is available in paperback. Hoping to read it soon :3

This one I got for free from the publisher, Penerbit Haru. It's a book by Korean author translated into Indonesian. I've finished reading it, and it was a good book. I received 2 (two) copies from the publisher, because one is intended for a giveaway which is currently happening - go to my review link to join the giveaway. The book is also autographed by the author herself! So if you're a Korean lover, don't miss your chance to follow this giveaway ;))

The travel book is a guide written by a Singaporean; and with the help of Korea Tourism Organization (KTO), she managed to write a travel guide for people who want to observe South Korea the K-Pop/K-Drama way. I bought this book as a reference book for my thesis. And reading this book suddenly made me want to visit South Korea again. I'm planning next year; I pray that my plans will come true. I bought 12 Years a Slave because it's adapted into a movie and received a lot of positive reviews. It's also based on a true story; and the book sounds interesting so I decided to get a copy. Brad Pitt and Benedict Cumberbatch will also be starring in the movie. Will write a movie adaptation review when I get to watch it.

Honestly, I feel a bit sad and disappointed with myself because I only wrote 3 book reviews and read 4-5 books so far. Compared to the last several months, the number of post on this blog is decreasing rapidly and I feel a bit sorry for that. It took me almost a week to finish a book, plus several more days to write a book review. And I think this situation will keep up until I'm done with my thesis - or I don't know until when. But so far I'm trying my best to have at least one post published every week. Even so, I'm still very thankful to all my blog readers who keep supporting my blog even with the lack of post *throws heart at you* ♥♥

Another thing that I'm really sorry about is I haven't been participating much in Blogger Buku Indonesia (BBI) / Indonesian Book Blogger community. I don't join the monthly read-along, because I couldn't match up the theme for each month. And I don't really keep up with the group updates - so I do feel a bit guilty. BBI also has an event going on called Secret Santa 2013 - which I joined in 2011 and 2012. But I think this year I'll just pass. Maybe next year I can join the event and the monthly read-along as well. Andd, as you can see in my sidebar, there's a banner about BBI Goes to IRF (Indonesia Readers Festival). BBI will be having a booth on December 8th, 2013. The event is held in Museum Bank Mandiri, Kota Tua Jakarta. So for those of you in Jakarta, visit BBI's booth if you have time, and please give lots of support ^^

I guess that's it for now. I'll be writing my review for the amazing The Fault in Our Stars, so stay tuned for that. And Always With Me giveaway announcement will be on November 28th. Bye!

 by.stefaniesugia♥ .

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