Thursday, October 24, 2013

October: Soulless (Rant and Book-Haul)

Hi there. First, before I write about anything else, let me say sorry for only writing 4 posts so far this month - only 3 book reviews, in that case. The picture above is a representation of how I feel right now while I write this post. Dark and tired, that is. The time is getting closer to final exam, and I'm working hard for college and works. Choosing a business for my thesis and working on it is sucking the life out of me. And once again, I'm really sorry about not posting as much book reviews as I usually do. Because I don't have much time to read either these days. I always took advantage of my time in the 'bathroom' to read, or while I'm waiting - outside the house. Because when I'm at home these days, it's all work time. Sorry for the rant, now let's move on to my book-haul for this month!

Tokyo: Falling by Sefryana Khairil
Unfriend You by Dyah Rinni (Review here)
The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks
Seriously... I'm Kidding by Ellen Degeneres
I'm pretty satisfied with my book-haul this month; since it's not a lot like it used to be - which means I'm quite successful in limiting my book-shopping so far. I got myself two Indonesian books and two English books. Recently I've been restraining myself from buying all the new books out there, just so I could slowly finish all the books in my TBR list. But unfortunately, it seems these days I'm too busy even to read (like I mentioned earlier). It took me around 3-4 days to finish a not-so-thick book (which I consider a longgg time). And this makes me sad. I also don't have that much time to write book reviews, and everything about this is making me guilty. 
This is a little bit outside of books, but this is one of the reasons I've been extremely busy lately. Oppa-Jjang is a new blog I made together with my friend from thehottestkpop, and it's a blog about Korean-related stuffs. It's another passion of mine besides books, but that is not the only reason why I made it. At the same time, this blog is also part of my final thesis. Me and my friend will be opening a k-pop merchandise store through this blog, selling customized t-shirts and other stuffs. So for those of you my blog readers who are avid k-pop fans, stay tune on this blog and please give us lots of support ;___; I will give more updates when the shop is finally open.

That's it for now. I promise I will keep reading and writing reviews, but I cannot promise you frequent updates on this blog. Praying for my thesis! And also thank you for your support ^-^

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. wowww what a cool thesis stef! wishing you the best for your study and work, too :) and I guess I have to learn from you about restraining myself from buying too many books XD

  2. Good luck for whatever you're doing for college! XD Can't wait for your review of Ellen's book.

    1. thank youu Ratriiii :')))) hopefully i can read that book soon xD
