Sunday, September 15, 2013

September: Distractions, Books, and Happy 2nd Blogoversary!


I know it's quite early for me to do a monthly greeting post, but I have to! Because today is Bookie-Looker's 2nd Blogoversary! YAY! After more than 200 book reviews, 400,000+ pageviews, 400+ followers, I finally reach my second year of book-blogging. It has been delightful and fun, hopefully I still get to do this for a long-long time. And of course, like last year's anniversary, this year I will also do a giveaway! Unfortunately, this is not the giveaway post (because I haven't prepared anything yet). The giveaway will start on 18 September, 2013, so mark the date and don't forget to visit this blog for free books. As for now, like usual, I will rant about stuff and share my new-owned books.

I mentioned 'distractions' on this post's title, because that's what I've been going through these past few weeks. The first distraction comes in the form of k-dramas. Few weeks ago, my friend urged me to watch this k-drama titled I Hear Your Voice - saying that it was a great drama. So I watched it, and I couldn't stop. When I watched a good drama, I can sit all day in front of my computer and does nothing else. Which is absurd, I know. And so watching dramas leads me to abandon my blogging life for a while. Thankfully it wasn't that long; it's 18 episodes long. For those of you who enjoy watching k-dramas, I would recommend this :) It's mostly about law - which I think is really cool because I find law really fascinating.

My second distraction is work. Lately I have so many things to do, which makes me have to leave blogging for a while. Me and my brother are preparing a new business to launch, and with just the two of us it's really tough work. And of course work includes my college assignments. Although I'm only taking 3 classes this semester, it's really difficult because I'm on my way to writing thesis. And I'm also currently taking online classes to improve my somewhat-lacking design skills. It will be useful in the future, so I'm spending a lot of my time paying attention to those classes. So far, I can still manage my time well between these distractions and my book-blogging life. I hope I can keep it up.

I can never miss this talk in any of my monthly posts: new books!  It's not that much (compared to my haul last month), because I've been trying to control my book-shopping limits; especially from bookdepository, because dollar currency is no joke right now. I guess I'm quite successful in restraining myself (so far), because most of the books I showed above are free books. My Cup of Tea by Nia Nurdiansyah, is a book I got from joining Arisan Buku GagasMedia. Rain in Paris by Cindy Pricilla is a book I got from the author herself to be reviewed on this blog. Jika is a book I bought myself; because the cover is irresistible and the authors makes me curious. Sweet Melody 2 by Baek Myo is also a free book I got from the publisher itself, Penerbit Haru, to be reviewed. I really enjoyed the first book, so I was excited to read the sequel - and it was great! Crazy Love by Francis Chan, is a gift from a friend of mine :) It's a spiritual book; and my friend said he thinks I need this book. So I'm really looking forward to read it soon. Thanks, bro :) Lastly, it's Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell! There's been tons of good reviews about this book, so I finally ordered one for myself last month (when dollar hasn't gone crazy yet). I'm so happy it arrived along with the #LoveThisQuote bookmark from Book Depository. Surely my new books are not that much this time; but free books always makes me happy :) And I hope I can keep controlling my desire to buy books impulsively.

And lastly, I want to once again say how incredibly happy I am with this blog's 2nd anniversary :)) Another year quickly goes by, and it's definitely full of new experiences. As always, I want to thank everyone who enjoyed reading my reviews. Hopefully my reviews can always be a helpful reference for you in choosing books to buy :) It will be a huge blessing for me if I can keep doing this for a long time; because reading and writing is part of my life's passion.

Recently I did a meet-up with my fellow BBI-ers in Surabaya. I'm so delighted to be meeting with my bookish-friends; talking about books and blogging. I already knew three of them from a while back, and the other two I just met them from this meeting. It's really nice to meet you! There are also some people who couldn't make it to this meet-up. Hopefully we can find another time to set another meeting, because it was so difficult to match our schedules. If you're interested to see their book-blogs, visit them here :)

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Di tunggu banget giveaway postnya! Btw, aku juga lagi bikin giveaway di blog. Siapa tau mau ikutan --> Too Early's 1st Giveaway (14-28 Sept 2013) berhadiah #STPC London: Angel :) …

  2. Happy 2nd Blogoversary! :D

    Wah, sama nih. Bulan ini aku juga ke-distract dari aktivitas membaca dan ngeblog. Biasalah, kerja, kuliah online, dan nonton Korea, haha! Bulan ini lagi sibuk mengumpulkan episode Shinhwa Broadcast (yang susah banget dicari link donlot-nya) sambil nonton Rooftop Prince (gara-gara yang maen si Yoochun yang mirip Andy, hehe.). Laaah malah curcol.

    Semoga sukses ya buat semuanya (kuliah, kerjaan, dll).
    Ehem. Seneng banget ngeliatin foto para hyung di atas. Trims sudah masukin foto mereka. <3

    1. hahhahahah xD paling gampang cari di forumnya :D
      makasih yaaa ;DD

  3. I got my own #LoveThisQuote bookmark, finally :) Goodluck for your classes & business. Seriously can't wait for your Eleanor & Park's review.

    1. yayyy finally yah xD thank youu Ratrii :* will definitely read it soon :)

  4. sama, aku juga nunggu review Eleanor & Park dan giveaway tentunya :)

  5. Happy Anniv buat blognya mbak, btw jong suk makin kece aja *salah fokus*

    1. thankss! hahahha x) jongsuk slalu bikin salah fokus :p

  6. stef, aku minta foto shinhwa-nya ya, buat dijadiin header. :)

  7. Met anniv bak, saya suka sama blog mbak... hehe
