Saturday, August 3, 2013

15 Days Book Blogging Challenge: Day 10 - Choosing What to Read Next


10th challenge, 5 more! I am writing this ahead of time and scheduled them, just because I'm afraid I won't be able to write anything due to preparations for the holidays in the next few days. Actually it took me a long time to think about today's challenge. The question is "how do you choose what book to read next?". Few years ago, I used to have this weird way of choosing what book to read next - but now I don't do it anymore. Do you have a special way to choose your next book? Comment down below to share or join this challenge here.

First, I'll just share the weird thing I did years ago. It was back when I don't have a book-blog, and I was too indecisive when choosing what to read next. So, I had this idea to create some sort of lottery. I cut up a bunch of papers and write book titles I haven't read yet on them. Then I fold all of them into little squares, and put them in a jar. The next time I finished a book, I opened this jar and pick one. The paper decides what I have to read next. But surely it doesn't last long. Why? Because one time, I draw a paper with a book title that I'm not really interested in. And so I started picking other papers, until I found a book title that satisfies me. At that point, I realized this lottery thing is not working for me. You can try this yourself if you find this method might work for you ;D

The question now is how do I choose what book to read next, now?
Lately, I always prioritize books that I got sponsored from publishers. When the package arrived, I always choose to read it next. If I'm done with the sponsored books, I continue reading to the most recent book-haul pile I got. Sadly, this method can make the previous pile in danger of staying in TBR list for too long. Even worse, I don't really join reading challenges or meme that much, so my reading choice is always up to me. But at certain times, I also choose the next book I want to read according to my mood. Do you choose what book to read next in a specific way? If you do please share with me; hopefully it can help me reduce my old TBR piles :'D

 by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Kalo aku berdasarkan kondisi otak. Kalo lagi tenang dan siap, boleh boleh aja baca yang berat dan mikir. Tapi kalo lagi penat dan butuh refreshing, biasanya buku anak atau yg komedi. Biar nggak kena reading's block *ini istilah kakak2 BBI*

    1. iya biasanya baca buku berat butuh persiapan mental xD hihihi

  2. The lottery idea is a cute one! I'd be like you though and searching to find a book, haha.

    1. lol yeahh, that probably happens to a lot of ppl xD

  3. agak sama, di bagian kalo ada buntelan. itu pasti diprioritaskan.
    tapi kalo selain itu, biasanya nyamain tema, jadi buku berikutnya biasanya masih punya corak yang mirip yang aku baca sebelumnya. begitu sampai aku ngerasa wear-out sama tema itu, hehhe.
    selain itu ya impulsif aja. biasanya didorong dari hasil GR review-walking atau book-blog walking X)

    1. yup sama, kadang2 aku juga impulsif; apalagi kalo liat buku yg kayaknya interesting pasti bikin pengen cpt baca xD
