Friday, July 19, 2013

July: Book-Haul and 2013 Reading Challenge


I've been extremely busy lately, and my semester holiday doesn't feel like holiday at all. Work is definitely time-consuming; and even though I couldn't read as much books as last year, I always spare some time to read and write reviews. But because of difficulty in time management, I am slightly changing the amount of books I'm going to read for Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge. At first I set the numbers to 100, but lately I felt like it's chasing me (like a deadline) because I'm always 1 book behind - or at least on track. Now I'm changing it to 85, so I can read in a more relaxed way and read more English books (which always took me a long time to finish). Hopefully I can still keep up with that number :(

I recently finished my internship session, but next week I'm starting my 7th semester in uni - which I'm dreading because I'm coming so much closer to writing thesis! In the midst of all that, I've decided to take some language courses - including Korean class and also English class. It's been too long since I wanted to learn Korean, and finally I've found a place to do it properly (instead of learning it online like I'm doing now). As for the English class, I wanted to take General English class  or English for Business - which I think would be useful in the future. Amidst all that, I still have to manage my time to watch Korean variety shows and K-dramas (I know, it's doesn't sound important; but it's my joy in life aside from books!). Even so, I'm still planning to keep reading books and writing reviews on this blog. I just hope I can manage my time properly and try to not sleep late every single day.

Enough small talk, now I'm going to share my book-haul for this month! The book-haul I'm going to share this time are books I've got from June to mid-July. I'm really happy with the book I got sponsored by Penerbit Haru - which includes one of my favorite authors: Orizuka. And I'm actually pretty sad because I didn't get chosen for GagasMedia's Unforgotten event - which means I didn't get 10 free books ;___;. But even after the announcement, I still order three GagasMedia books for myself because Christian Simamora and Sefryana Khairil released new books! They are my favorite authors as well :) I also got myself the Indonesian version of 1Q84, and the last book for Negeri 5 Menari trilogy - which I'm probably going to read soon. I'm planning to restrain myself from buying books for some time - I really hope I can keep my words. *cross fingers*. Book titles and goodreads links available down below after the picture :)
1. The Chronicles of Audy: 4R by Orizuka (review here)
2. Sweet Melody 1 by Baek Myo (review here)
3. Explicit Love Story by Lee Sae In (review here)
4. Beauty Sleep by Amanda Inez
5. The Angel at No. 33 by Polly Williams
6. Cherish Cheri by Nita Trismaya
7. Coba Tunjuk Satu Bintang by Sefryana Khairil
8. All You Can Eat by Christian Simamora
9. Murjangkung by A.S. Laksana
10. Pasung Jiwa by Okky Madasari
11. Evergreen by Prisca Primasari
12. Dear Kitty by Anne Frank
13. 1Q84 (Book 1) by Haruki Murakami
14. 1Q84 (Book 2) by Haruki Murakami
15. Rantau 1 Muara by A. Fuadi
16. Change Your Words Change Your Life by Joyce Meyer
So that's the list! I hope I can finish most of them soon :) I'm going back into my uni-routine, so wish me luck on that. I hope everything goes well because I'm starting my thesis. I will work hard and try to do my best, because like John Green said: "The world is not a wish-granting factory" :)). I hope everyone also had a great month this July, and hope you read lots too ;)

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. I really enjoyed Murakami's 1Q84 and Prisca Primasari's Evergreen. Penasaran sama 4R-nya Orizuka.
    Happy reading, Kak Stef! :)

  2. welcome back to uni-routine! :D
    btw kayaknya aku bakalan beli Explicit Love Story deh.
    hanya saja warna covernya... -_-

    1. thankss! :'D
      hahahhaa, bukunya dibungkus dulu pake kertas coklat bru dibawa keluar ;P

  3. tadinya aku mau beli Explicit tapi setelah baca reviews kakak, kayaknya di tunda dulu sampe habis lebaran mengingat genrenya yang dewasa. Takut batal puasa kalau baca di bulan-bulan ini XD akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk beli 1Q84-ini ngga direncanain, tapi desakan temen yang bilang novel ini bagus dan lihat rating di GR akhirnya ya, beli saja. Aku tunggu reviewsnya kakak tentang novel ini :) soalnya ngga terlalu bisa bikin reviews yang bagus ahahaha

    *eh, aku liat Lee Jong Suk di atas :p

    1. hahahahaa xD aku juga lihat 1Q84 review2nya bagus, katanya sih msh ada smp jilid 4 :D

  4. kuliah di mana kak ??

    belajar korea kuliah ?? d mana ?

    1. engga aku mau belajar Korea lewat les aja kok ^^

  5. LEE JONG SUKKKK!!! hahahaha. aku malah histeris liat gif.nya!!! te-hee. yang gif. terakhir di drama mana yaa? aku banyakan ga nonton drama akhir2 ini. Running Man aja ga lanjut lagi saking sibuknya sama final exam! >.<

    baca bukunya pelan2 aja kak stef. tar keselek lagi *emang bukunya dimakannn* pasti bisa dihabisin smua kok. klo ga habis, lempar ke aku juga boleh, tar aku email alamatnya *wink wink*

    klo menurutku sih General English oke kok. English for Business ga beda banyak, aku di kuliah belajar english for business, kerjaannya nulis surat (dikasih format), cv, sama vocab yg dipake di meeting. klo general english lebih k academic english, ngedalemin vocab sama grammar :) tapi mungkin beda kali ya kalo di kursus/les :/
