Monday, July 29, 2013

15 Days Book Blogging Challenge: Day 5 - Tear Jerker


Today's theme for the challenge is tear-jerker! ;___; Actually, there are not that many books which makes me really sad. But those that can really make me cry (or at least become so overwhelmed with emotion), are always well-written books. When I read the book and I had the urge to cry, I don't really sob it all out - I probably just shed a tear or two. But this kind of book will make me think about it all night and I feel clouded by sadness; as if the book I just read is real. So here's a tear jerker that I'd like to recommend :) If you have another great tear jerker book, I don't mind if you recommend it to me as well :)))

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
(Review here
I actually wanted to recommend Every Day by David Levithan as well (because I read it in early 2013). But I think this one is much more emotional. I read this book last year in 2012, and I still remember how emotional it makes me feel. It is a story based on the 9/11 tragedy, where a kid lost his father. Rather than the plot itself, I think what makes it a tear jerker is how it's so beautifully written. More than once I stopped at a sentence and reread it over again, just to absorb the deepest meaning of it. And the characters are too lovable - another reason for making me want to cry while reading this book. The whole story made my heart break, and then it made me cry. Aside from the emotions, there are a lot of life lessons I learned from it. I reflect a lot upon my life and this book taught me something. Which is why I think this is an appropriate tear jerker to recommend :)

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Book that succesfully made me sobbing all night is PS I Love You by Cecelia Ahern :'(

  2. Haven't read this book. Maybe someday...
    Some tear-jerker recommendations for you: Daniel Keyes' Flowers for Algernon, or Vivaldi's Virgins by Barbara Quick.
