Sunday, July 28, 2013

15 Days Book Blogging Challenge: Day 4 - Last Book I Flung Across the Room


I'm actually a little bit confused with the fourth topic. Is it a book I hate so bad which made me throw it across the room? Or a book that has too much feels and gives me the urge to throw it? Well after blog-walking through several other blog posts to this challenge, it seems the choice is up to us. And I never literally thrown a book across the room, I sort of just slammed the book down. And my choice for today's topic, is a book with serious cliff-hanging problem. I have serious objection towards cliff-hanging, which is why I always wait for the series to end before I read them (like I said in 1st Day Challenge). But I seriously have no idea this book will have a sequel. I kind of flung the book across the room (in my head).

This is the last book that I wanted to flung across the room, because the ending literally keeps me hanging at the end of a cliff. If I had known earlier this book had a sequel, I probably would've wait for it (like I did with If I Stay and Where She Went by the same author). Actually I wouldn't mind that much if the ending of the first book concludes the first part of the story. But in this book, the ending teased me by giving a sneak peek of what's going to come next, and then there's no more page left. Just like that. Anyone else have read this book and feels the same way? I am patiently waiting for the sequel (Just One Year) to release in October.


by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Yes yes, i hate books that keep me hanging. Like i wanna go to the author and wait beside them 'til i know what'll happen next.

  2. Ah yes, I have met this kind of book too. I think the last one I read was Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. The ending is so weird that I suspected a page or two were missing from my copy. But later on I knew that it actually has a sequel.
