Friday, July 26, 2013

15 Days Book Blogging Challenge: Day 2 - Bedtime Reading Ritual


The second day of 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge: Bedtime Reading Ritual! Compared to the first challenge, there's actually not that much to talk about in this one. But this post contains my two favorite things: sleeping and reading. So without further delay, I will just quickly share about my night-time ritual. For those of you who'd like to join, go here - and also don't forget to link your challenge posts too :)

Honestly speaking, I spend most of my time in front of the computer during the day (aside from eating, shower, and other obligations, of course). Whether it's for work, finishing assignments, research, tumblr, watch movies/dramas/variety shows, or listening to music. It usually lasts until late at night, around 10 or 11 PM. After I - finally - turned off my beloved PC, it's time to get ready to bed. And it also means getting ready to read as well.

I always take the book I'm currently reading to bed with me. If I have class the next day, I try to control myself and stop reading at around 12 or 12.30. If I don't have class, my reading can continue up until 1 or 1.30 AM. Especially if I'm almost finished with the book, I always keep going until the end even if it's 2 AM (because it just feels weird to close a book when I only have like 10 pages left). I don't know why, but when I read at midnight before bedtime, I never get sleepy. While if I read during the afternoon in bed, it usually leads to nap time. Is there some kind of scientific explanation for this? I also feel much more productive working during the night (like making designs, writing book reviews/blog posts, etc.). Maybe I'll ask google about it.

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. hihi, aku dulu juga sering baca buku di kasur. tapi sayangnya begitu nyium bau bantal langsung klepek klepek.... tidur XD

  2. hahahaha, sama banget sama aku, kak. Begitu malam-atau siang, saat beranjak ke kasur sembari megang buku di tangan, it means bobo siang atau tidur. Apalagi kalau ngga ada kuliah pagi hihi bisa bablas sampe jam 2, terkadang kalau bangun baru sadar buku jadi bantal atau buku nutupin muka hihi

  3. You know what, often when I'm sleepy, but something happens that I must grab a book because I can't go to bed immediately, my sleepiness would soon disappear, and I'd find myself very fresh again. Is that weird? :D
