Saturday, June 1, 2013

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Official Trailer

I really miss Percy!

I've just seen the trailer for the second installment of Percy Jackson's movie, and I realized it's almost been 3 years since I've read the series! I read all 5 books of The Percy and the Olympians series in 2010, and I honestly couldn't remember much. But seeing the trailer makes me relive the moments when I'm enjoying the adventures of Percy and his friends. And even though the first movie wasn't as satisfying as the book, I'm thankful they still continue making the movie adaptations. So here's the official trailer of Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters!


Logan Lermannn! ♥♥♥ I think the trailer looks promising - but every movie trailer is. I just hope the movie won't be disappointing and does justice for the super amazing book. Judging from the trailer, there will be so many exciting scenes, plus new characters to meet. I'm definitely looking forward to Nathan Fillion (who's the main character of the TV series, Castle), who plays as Hermes - the Messenger God, in this movie. He looks funny, so I'm sure it will be entertaining. Andd, compared to the first movie, this one has a LOT more monsters (better and stronger). So hopefully the battle scenes will be satisfying.

The movie is set to be released around August 2013 - which is about 2 months from now. I so can't wait to see the movie! I guess I'll go watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower to satisfy my needs to see Logan Lerman's face. Anyone excited to see this movie too ? ^^
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by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. saya! saya! ahahaha
    semacam lompat kegirangan pas tau ada filmnya lagi :3

  2. wowww! finally it continues! can't wait for Sea of Monsters, although same with you, i can't remember exactly about the story itself. 3 years passed already. hehe. i think i haven't finished all 5 books, but i'll check again in my goodreads list. kkk~ let's wait this movie together! and i'm also so happy that it will be in cinema on August, it's my holiday~
