Monday, June 10, 2013

June: Work and Extreme Book-Haul.

It's another new month, but I'm losing my energy. And when I feel down, I like to cheer myself up by buying lots of books. Books are always the best cure for my so-called-depression. I'm reaching the end of my 7th semester in uni, but as some of you may know already, it doesn't mean holiday for me. Because it's time to start internship *cries*. I was kind of excited when I started applying to several design companies, but as I'm getting closer my laziness starts to take over my body. I hope that when I start working as an intern, I won't be as lazy and try to have fun with everything. First thing first, let me share my extreme book haul. (*lots of pictures, so be patient :))

Don't think that all these books I got in just one shopping trip. These books are combined from around 4-5 book shopping trips, with additional book packages I ordered online. It's weird how my reading time is decreasing recently, but even so I still buy so many books - which I don't know when I will read. Among all these books, one I got for free from Gramedia because I won #ResensiPilihan ; the free-book I got is Yang Tak Terlupakan by Rini Zabirudin. It was a bit unexpected, but at the same time a wonderful surprise. So, thanks Gramedia :) I also got 2 free books from Penerbit Haru: After D-100 by Park Mi Youn and Crying 100 Times by Nakamura Kou (one Korean and one Japanese book ^^) Here's the pictures of my new books.

Here goes the long list, along with links to goodreads for you to look at :)
(some doesn't have goodreads link, though.)
1. Bidadari Terakhir by Agnes Davonar
8. Bangkok: The Journal by Moemoe Rizal (review here)
9. Di Balik Kerling Saatirah by Niknik M Kuntarto
10. Bidadari Kelab Malam by Krisatasia Pangalila
16. Secret Garden Part 1 by Kang Yi Eul/Kim Eun Sook
There are so many books I can't wait to read. For a start, GagasMedia are releasing books with country names as the title in a series of books named STPC (Setiap Tempat Punya Cerita). Starting from some time ago, I've read Paris: Aline by Prisca Primasari, and now there's Bangkok by Moemoe Rizal, Roma: Con Amore by Robin Wijaya, and about to be released is Melbourne by Winna Effendi. The covers are absolutely beautiful that I cannot stop my hands from buying them (Jeffri Fernando is always my favorite Gagas' cover designer). I'm also excited to read the second book of Sungkyunkwan Scandal by Jung Eun Gwol. I read the first one earlier this year, and cannot wait to see how it ends. From #12-#15, I got them at an airport's Periplus bookstore when I was making a business trip to Jakarta and local Periplus store. Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls & The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Pry both have unique title and I guess that really got me into buying them. And at that time I love using the barcode-scan-thing on goodreads mobile; which is really efficient if you'd like to find a book's rating when you're in a bookstore. All you have to do is open the app, click the barcode scan, and place your phone on top of the barcode. The app will automatically find the book for you, and you can instantly see the rating - so you can quickly decide whether to buy it or not :)) Lastlyyy, Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick! I'm so happy when my package from BookDepository arrived, with this book inside. I'm going to watch the movie too after I'm finished with the book :))) *I have several books I just got very recently, but I'm too lazy to take another picture. So I'll post them some other day*.

My internship has begin! and even if I feel like Dementors are sucking the life out of me, I have to straighten my back and put smiles on my face (just like what Effie said). I'm currently working at BluArt Branding Consultant as an intern, with several projects already at hand. It turns out my boss is really busy with all the work, but he's a really nice person :) I hope I can learn a lot from him. Along with internship, I'm starting up a business with my brother - selling plain shirts online (some of you may already know through the Facebook page). I feel really suffocated with all the work I have to do, plus I only read past midnight now because that's the only time I have free. So I hope my blog readers will understand if I read one book up to 4-5 days, and the review will be published around 3-4 days later after that. I'm starting to feel the taste of working, and trying my best to adapt to it. Hard work and persistence is my working motto. Hope for the best :))

Last minute promotion ^^. Click on the picture, and like the page please ^^ Bye ;)

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. wow banyak banget buku barunya #KapanBacanya :))

  2. aaah, posting yang aku tunggu-tunggu setiap bulan. *lap iler*
    woah, ada battle royale di list! dan itu bukunya tebel-tebel, banyak lagi. setuju sama hashtag ibu peri, kapan bacanya? haha. baca post ini kebayang banget betapa sibuknya dirimu, stef. salut banget masih sempat bikin post ini (dan nulis review juga).

    sukses ya buat internship-nya. oh, dan dagangannya juga. :D

    1. hahaha ak jg sering mmpertanyakan #KapanBacanya xD
      thankyouu :)))

  3. 22 buku dalam sebulan? #ikutlapiler

  4. Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls menarik hatikuuuuu hahaha.
    Btw, good luck ngejalanin internship-mu, Stef! :))

  5. Good luck for the internship, kak stef!
    Aku penasaran sama Tiga Burung Kecil (covernya lucu!), will be waiting for ur review :)

  6. Kak Stefanie, mau tanya, kakak kan pernah beli lewat bookdepository, alamatnya perlu pake bahasa inggris nggak? makasih :)

    1. biasanya aku engga pake bhs inggris sih :) tulis aja sesuai alamat kmu :))
