Thursday, April 25, 2013

April: 300,000+ Pageviews and New Books, as always.

It's April! And as everyone might know already through my giveaway, April is a very special month for me because I'm turning 21 this year :)) (well, not really something to be excited about, actually). And this month is no exception for new books to share. I just realized I bought quite a lot of books this month. I guess that's why my money is decreasing rapidly without me knowing. Another thing to be happy about this month is that my blog has passed 300,000+ pageviews - which is all thanks to the visitors :) And so, without further delay, here are my new books this month.

Hannibal (Hannibal Lecter, #3) by Thomas Harris
Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter, #1) by Thomas Harris
Paper Romance by Lia Indra Andriana (review)
Her Sunny Side by Osamu Koshigaya (review)
Pintu Harmonika by Clara Ng & Icha Rahmanti (review)
Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3) by Cassandra Clare
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Autumn Once More by Ilana Tan, Ika Natassa, aliaZalea,dkk (review)
Surat Dahlan by Khrisna Pabichara
Lampau by Sandi Firly
High School Paradise by Orizuka
I didn't quite realized I've got so many new books this month - some I've already finished reading and reviewed in mid-April. And there are some that I've been looking forward to read, like Gone Girl, Cloud Atlas, and Me Before You. Those books have very good ratings in goodreads, and of course I cannot ignore my desire to buy them. I probably won't be reading any of them soon, because I'm really busy lately and won't be able to focus while reading English books. Though I really hope to be able to read them soon :)) Andddd.... I also got myself Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. It's surprising - even to myself - that I decided to buy this book. The book is super thick (comparable with Murakami's 1Q84), and I feel like I won't be able to finish it. But since it was adapted into a movie, and the popularity of this book is no joke, as a devoted-reader I decided to buy it. Besides that, I'm loving the cover, even though it's from the movie.

Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone again for always supporting my blog up to this point. I hope my writings in this blog can be of use for other people. I will keep reading and writing, hopefully for a very long time. Even though I'm getting near to the end of my university life, getting ready for internship, and also preparing myself for work, I really want to keep reading until I get old :)) I will talk more about those (internship and work) in another post :) And, tomorrow is my birthday! I'm not very excited about getting older, but I'm really happy for all the times God has given to me. Once again, thank you thank you! Bye ;)

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. wow, you bought Cloud Atlas too ? I haven't dare my self-to-read-it, my e-book still on waiting, but I really falling in love with the movies adaptations, so for sure I will read it the book version too.

  2. Kok ada "Pengakuan Eks Parasit Lajang"nya Ayu Utami ma "Republik Jancukers"nya Sujiwo Tejo nongol di pojokan?

  3. Kyaaaa!!!! Cloud Atlas. Les Misérables. *ngiler*


  4. semoga sukses selalu webnya artikelnya sangat bermanfaat
