Thursday, May 24, 2012

Welcoming New Books in May ♥


New books for MAY! 
(book shopping report from mid April to mid May)
last time i said i'll have another update for my new books; so here it is! :) these books are not all bought in May, some are bought late April and also early May. considering my busy time in college, i haven't found that much time to do book shopping; but i still think this month's book shopping report will be quite long. so the books i got are brought through various places:, Uranus bookstore,,, and of course Gramedia bookstore. my long awaited package from amazon arrived early May (i've waited 2 months for this package. i even placed a report for missing order). i ordered Nicholas Sparks' book to complete my collection of his books! now i officially have ALL Nicholas Sparks' books :) i'm so happy :)) and please don't be surprised to see an HTML & CSS book; i am interested in site-building, and since i have no basic knowledge about it, i decided to learn by myself with this book :p so here are the books (i didn't take photos of some books because i didn't had time to) and the title list. Enjoy ;)

1. HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett
2. Charlie St. Cloud by Ben Sherwood
3. Saving June by Hannah Harrington
4. Three Weeks With My Brother by Nicholas Sparks & Micah Sparks
5. The Journeys 2: Cerita Dari Tanah Air Beta (Read my review here)
6. Berjuta Rasanya by Tere-Liye (Read my review here)
7. One Last Chance by Stephanie Zen (Read my review here)
8. 23 Episentrum by Adenita (Read my review here)
9. Ther Melian: Genesis by Shienny M.S.
10. Supernova: Akar by Dee (Supernova, #2)
11. Supernova: Petir by Dee (Supernova, #3)
12. Supernova: Kesatria, Putri, & Bintang Jatuh by Dee (Supernova, #1)
13. Supernova: Partikel by Dee (Supernova, #4)
14. Vandaria Saga: Takdir Elir (Trilogi Elir, #1) by Hans J. Gumulia
15. Sempurna by Nonier (Read my review here)
16. Memori by Windry Ramadhina (Read my review here)

my semester exam starts TODAY! so, wish me luck! :D it ends tuesday next week, and i really can't wait for that day to come. i know i haven't been productive this month; so when my exam ends, i promise to read more and share a lot of reviews :) big kisses for you all! bye :*

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. OMG! Buku HTML & CSS... baru ngeliat judulnya aja udah pusing. Hahahaha.

  2. wah, SUPERNOVA-nya bikin ngiler mbak :D

    1. samaaa....... *ngences*...saya baru punya volume 1-nya doank...meski pernah nyoba baca Akar gak nemu keasyikan sebagaimana baca Ksatria, Putri, dan Bintang Jatuh....tapi sekarang pengen nyoba baca lagi, semua seri-nyaaa...

    2. aku malah belum pernah baca supernova, makanya lgsg sekaligus beli smua :p hihihi

  3. hai stephanie :) di playlist mu lagu starships nya yg cover siapa ya? thanks :)

  4. Waa, steph..
    Reading ur blog is really giving me "bad" influence.
    I may become a big spender for book as well and totally become "worm".
    Keep up the good work.
    God luck with ur exam..
