Friday, April 27, 2012


yesterday was my 20th birthday.
*since this post is not related to books and has lots of narcissistic personal photos, i'll put a jump break after the first paragraph :)
if you want to read, just click on read more :)*

"thank you everyone, i really appreciate each and every gift you gave me. i also appreciate everyone who sends their birthday greetings to me through BBM, twitter, and facebook :)) everyone made me feel like i'm an extremely blessed person."

it was a great and happy day for me, but at the same time i felt a bit bitter to be leaving my teenage years and entering the twenties. the gif image above is made by my bestfriend ivonna (, and she gave me wonderful presents! first she gave me Infinite's Paradise Album, which is my favorite Korean group right now! the album even include a photobook, poster, and an autographed card. i'm extremely thrilled! she also posted a birthday greeting for me in her blog, and also a birthday video (unfortunately it's set to private, so i can't show it here :P). anyway, she's done so much for me and i'm extremely happy for having a great friend like her :) thanks once again, ona, you make my birthday special :)


early in the morning, when i just woke up, i found this huge Eeyore sleeping on my table. i thought i didn't see it correctly because i just opened my eyes. but it's there! i've been wanting this cute jumbo doll since a few weeks ago, and i really thank my parents for finally buying it for me. this Eeyore is officially my best friend in my bedroom. i sleep, read, even write this blog post with Eeyore by my side. it's just so comfy i can't deny it :P i also got several more presents such as t-shirts (from my bestfriends since High School) and also a place to hang accessories :) at the end of the day,  i celebrated my birthday with my family by having dinner at an all you can eat restaurant called Jamoo in Shangrila Hotel. we ate so much yesterday, and i felt really happy and full.

since i consider myself not a teenager anymore, i hope i can be more mature and wiser in the years ahead. i also hope i can do well whether in my study or work, and also improve more in writing book reviews. bye! :)

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Happy birthday to you (Again)..
    I'm happy to read this warm entry XD

  2. Selamat ulang tahun.
    Wish u all the best.
    GBU. ^^

  3. happy bday ya, Stefanie
    wish you a happy life ahead :)

  4. Happy birthday ya, Stefanie
    Semoga semua doa dan harapan segera terkabul
