Sunday, April 8, 2012

Movie Adaptation Review: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close


MOVIE ADAPTATION of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

read my book review on Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer

I watched this movie towards the middle of the night. When I'm finished watching, I'm sad and crying and feeling miserable. The effect of watching the movie is similar with the effect I got from reading the book. Well, the movie adaptation compared to the book: some are the same, some are not, some things changed, some things were added in, and a lot of improvisations I think. Which is a usual thing for a movie adaptation because the book definitely tells tons of things, while a movie can't do that in 2 hours. So somehow I kind of accepted the fact that the movie changed and missed a lot of things, but nevertheless, I am still crying, just like when I read the book. So even though it didn't adapt the book completely, I personally think the movie tried its' best to capture the feeling that the book delivered :):) Here goes the spoiler-free movie adaptation review :)

As I've said, there are some things that changed in the movie adaptation. And the biggest one is of course, the plot. In the book, it doesn't mention much about Oskar's Father (Thomas Schell) or even his mom (in the movie named Linda, while she was nameless in the book). And the story was arranged so the audience would understand the flow of the movie easily. It was also a pity that Oskar's grandparents didn't get much attention in the movie adaptation. I was hoping the movie could get deep with the emotions of the Grandparents, but I got nothing. The movie focused a lot more on Oskar, his relationship with his parents, his adventure in finding the lock, and how he overcome his deep lost after his father's death. Since I read the book and understood the complete package, I already know what to expect in the movie. But I think for those who didn't read the book, the movie would still be as emotional and deep - even though the beginning might seem a little bit flat and maybe a little difficult to grasp the meaning.

No doubt, I love all the characters in the movie. Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Thomas Horn, Max Von Sydow (who didn't even say a word) all played their parts extremely well. I guess this is not a surprise since Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock are very well known for their great talent. But I'm especially happy with how Thomas Horn played Oskar. He's able to fulfill my imagination of Oskar in my head; his emotions of missing a dead father and having an emotional breakdown is amazingly shown. And my next favorite character would be The Renter. In the book, Oskar was acoompanied by Mr. Black, but in the movie it was The Renter who went along the journey with him. Which is quite understandable, because I think the movie wanted to show how Oskar and The Renter created a bond between them; both of them lost people they love in a terrible tragedy, which gives out deep emotions in the movie. I am really happy with how The Renter's character turns out in the movie - just like how I imagined; including his tattooed hands and writing in his day book to have conversations. I love the scenes when he answered questions by putting up his hands. While Sandra Bullock who played Mom really helps building the emotions in the movie. Just by looking at her face, I can see sadness and bits of frustration. In the end, she made me cry.

As a conclusion, I would say that even though the book and the movie adaptation were different (in one way or another), it still delivered that same emotional feeling. And it also delivered the feelings of losing someone you love and trying extremely hard to recover from the pain. So, aside from my slight disappointments, I still enjoyed the movie very much and it left a great impression in me :)) An extremely great movie to watch, and an incredibly wonderful book to read! ;)

any good movie adaptation that you can recommend to me? :)

by.stefaniesugia♥ .


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  4. Kak Stefanie nonton filmnya di mana kak? aku juga pingin banget nontooonn ;___;

  5. Kak Stefanie nonton film ini di mana kak? aku juga pingin banget nontooon ;___;

    1. Hai Nina :) aku nontonnya d internet ^^ tapi di tempat dvd harusnya ada kok ;D

    2. di internet yang harus pakai kartu kredit itu bukan kak?

      oke deh, makasih ya kak stef :DD

    3. di website apa ya kak nontonnya? atau boleh nggak kak aku minta linknya? hehehe :D
