Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter !

 HAPPY EASTER! for those who are celebrating :))

anyway, sorry for lots of me in this post ;P once again i'd like to greet everyone Happy Easter for those who are celebrating this wonderful day. it is the day we remember our God's sacrifice at the cross, and celebrate the day when He has risen from death. i especially enjoyed this day because i get to have a long weekend! :)) yesterday, i had an easter celebration at my Youth church community, and it was a wonderful celebration. i shared some pictures below, i hope you don't mind ;P

i hope everyone had a great holiday, and enjoying your celebration for those who celebrate :) that's all for this greeting post! Upcoming post, would be Movie Adaptation Review for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Have a blessed day everyone, bye! ;*

by.stefaniesugia♥ .

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